Re: Norton 360 v2.0 - BUG Incorrect Task Scheduler Screen

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.

Well I do not know what you expect from a product like Norton 360 but all statements on the box yells that is a total ready out of the box product!!!


Your workaround could work but would cost 3-4  hours and then let's pray that it works. We as users expect that such a product works like it promises to do and not that we spend our free time on fixing problems or creating workarounds that Symantec self not can fix! Till today there is no fix (see my previous thread which Tony now has moved to here) and Symantec does not mention in here that the solution is found.


The least they can do is in here to offer people with problems to switch back for free to NIS 2008 or extend the subscription to two years once the fix has been isolated.


It is insane that someone can put a product on the market which frustrates many people and then not can even fix it in a short time notice!

 I have been a user of Norton360 for over 6 months and upgraded to V2.0.  During the course of each day the system will frequently decide to go into scan mode for very long periods during which time my laptop is brought to a standstill.  It is a new machine,  dual Intel 2.G processor, 2GB ram and 250Gb HD.


I am very disappointed and frustrated with the performance of 360 and concur with the latest post by Leon2u that Norton should offer to allow users to switch to NIS2008 until such time as 360 is fixed.


Tony,   I am not an experienced user, nor do I wish to fiddle with settings which is why I like to concept of 360.  I would really appreciate some indication as to how long you think it will take to fix the problem.

Glad I found this thread. I'm having the same problem w/ 360. Starts scans by itself and buries my Intel Quad Core machine w/ 4GB RAM. I have been working with tech support for the past week. Cleared everything, Reinstalled 2X, lost days and days worth of time.


Agent(Mon Jun 23 04:58:52 EDT 2008)>Customer, please be aware that there is no option to disable the background scans.

Agent(Mon Jun 23 04:59:45 EDT 2008)>Please be aware that these scans will run only when the system is in idle state.

Customer (Mon Jun 23 07:52:43 EDT 2008)>a "background" task should not make it unable for me to work

Customer (Mon Jun 23 07:52:49 EDT 2008)>that is not true, in this case, the page faults due to high disk i/o are not enabling me to work while the scans are running

This one is funny, the tech only looked at my Norton Schedule and wrote the following:

Agent(Mon Jun 23 04:56:11 EDT 2008)>Okay.

Agent(Mon Jun 23 04:57:04 EDT 2008)>I have disabled the Automatic scans.

I replied:

Customer (Mon Jun 23 07:50:13 EDT 2008)>i disabled them weeks ago they still run.


Customer (Mon Jun 23 07:50:13 EDT 2008)>i disabled them weeks ago you only viewed them

Customer (Mon Jun 23 07:50:39 EDT 2008)>you are the 4th tech i have worked with and the problem is still not solved

<g> think I'm getting the run-around?

 [edit: removed identities in chat log.]
Message Edited by Allen_K on 06-23-2008 10:07 AM


(Fixed cosmetic issues.) 

Message Edited by Dave_Coleman on 06-23-2008 12:40 PM

I apologize for your frustrations with this issue. Our team is working
hard to resolve the issue; I will let you know when an update is
available. Thank you for your patience.

Tony and to the rest of all there at Sytmantec,


Wo do you think is paying your wages?!? Symantec or we as customers? Well I think all the money which Symantec earns comes from us customers and you are not doing a hell of a Job to satisfy us!!! Sorry BUT WHAT ABOUT giving us an alternative?!? NIS 2008 works fine so you could offer to switch back to this product for free because Norton 360 does not promise what it should do, in fact it costs a lot of people much time and frustrations. Should we all send in an invoice for our free hours due to lack of software you produce?

Message Edited by Leon2u on 06-27-2008 08:00 AM
Message Edited by Leon2u on 06-27-2008 08:01 AM

Leon if everyone in the world had the exact same computer.... same hardware..... same options.... same base OS..... same language....  same software installed....... and so on, then everything would go exactly as planned when software was replaced.....  but then to keep them all the same nobody could even use them... because just day to day use can effect the setup and configuration...

(we can't even use the same terms when talking about the 'perfect world' because there would be no upgrades..only replacements......everyone's whatever software would just 'get replaced'... because remember all comptuers are the same in this perfect world.....)


but in the real world....  we only have simmiliar setups... and i doubt any two computers in the world are exactly identical....  and there a probaly even literally millions of differnt 'simmilair setups')


norton/symantec software is not just some little piece of software that re-colors your browsing tabs either.....  it's a huge chunck of security software that has to interface with every aspect of the OS in an effort to keep you and your privacy safe.....


sure we all like it when things work the way they are supposed to and without any kind of hassle.... and for the majority they do....  but the major unkown that no PC security company can know ahead of time is what has happend to your computer between the time it was built and the time you are installing the software......


take this example..  a friend of mine recently asked me for help because he couldnt get a free anti-virus program to install....  finally after poking around for awhile i started asking questions... turns out they hadn't been using any security software on the computer at all... and they knew that they had had several virus/trajan/malwares...... they THOUGHT that they had gotten rid of all the virus's/malware / whatever......  but they really hadn't we found several more....  in that case we ended up having to reformat because it was just plain easier than contining to seek and destroy....


so the moral to the story.... is no company can know the history of your computer....  so no company can predict the outcome of every install.... 

Hello 4runner,


Yes you are right and there are always uncertain factors but if you do your math calculations and statistics then you should have noticed that there are considerable more people wo have the same problems on all different kind of computers as which you say none would be the same. In my oppinion and others oppinion should Symantec have a major problem with this release of software don't you agree?!?


Simple math, show me 10 positive reaction against 10 negatives?!? Well what would it be? 2 against 10? 0 against 10? Then the red line is that all negative reactions are about the exact same issue!!! Full scans at whatever moment or quick scans that are the issues of every single person.


I will be the first to give a positive reaction if they fixed it but in the meantime Symantec can not do business like this and they have an alternative product to offer to customers which works! I can't sell you or my customers for example an Iphone which disconnects automatic after 1 minute and that every time you call. You would say give me the Nokia N95 instead because this works or refund my money, won't you? And that my friend is the issue playing here, at least in my oppinion...

Tony,  the thing I find so exasperating about this scanning thing which seems to happen more than I personally think is necessary, is the fact that I as a user has no choice in the matter  --  it just happens and that's my machine locked up for the next 30 minutes or more. 


A couple of questions:   1)  I have about 160,000 files on my machine.   Are all of these files checked every time a scan operates?  (To the layman, this seems really excessive.) 


Could I offer a couple suggestions:


1)     I don't think the system should automatically switch into full scan without at least giving user the option to confirm that it is a convenient time to perform a scan, perhaps even suggesting a delay of say 15, 30, 60 mins before contacting the user again. At all times, the user should be in control.


2)     Full scans do seem happen a number of times per day.  If a full scan has already been performed, and most people would accept that this should occur once per day, from that point on why not have two scan options which can be offered to the user----  Full scan : which checks all files and Fast scan:  restricted to files which were not scanned during the full scan.


I would be happy with options similar to the above.  Clearly it sounds like a lot of people are unhappy with 360 V2.0 as it now operates. I like the concept of 360 but have to say I am not prepared to hold out much longer after all there are plenty other options out there.  Would it be so difficult to offer users to switch to Norton Internet Security 2008 until such time as 360 is fixed?  I would really appreciate a response on that.




To 4runner,  I am sorry mate, I don't quite see where your argument fits with this problem, which is basically that 360 is supposed to offer the user selected option for automatic or manual scan and this is not available.

A recent update to Norton 360 (bringing your version to should resolve issues with background scanning. Please run LiveUpdate and verify that your version has been updated, and let me know if this issue is still occurring for you. Thanks!

Hello Tony,


Well wanted to tell you that just my background quickscan started while I was working behind my computer. It was much faster and stopped after 3 minutes again maybe that it saw that the computer was not iddle but it should not start if I am typing and working on my laptop. At least that seems to me and about the full scans till today I did not notice that one started. I will monitor the upcoming week my laptop for sudden scans.


I guess the update has changed things in a positive way but has to be fine tuned. For now I am happy with it because I can work normal on my laptop again!


Thanks for your support and keep on finetuning Norton 360!  

I’m glad to hear that the situation has improved for you. Do you know which scans were running in the background while you were typing? Have you tried the Norton Widget? A Norton 360 Widget is available HERE for all users of Norton 360 v2. Please see the blog post on this widget for more information and updates for Windows XP users. It provides information on what’s going on behind the scenes with Norton 360 v2.

Hi Tony,  thank you for your reply.  To be truthful, I have not been on my computer for long periods in the past few days but my first impressions are that the scanning activity seems to be far less resource hungry than before. 

