I bought Turbo Tax and it had a $30 rebate if I bought Norton Internet Security 2009. There was also a $20 rebate on Norton Internet Security 2009 if I bought a Staples Shredder.
I fullfilled all requirements yet was denied on both. Staples gave me a resubmission # that I sent to Symantec and they again rejected it. Said it was an incorrect SKU 3 WHICH it was not. Staples finally overrode the rejection from Symantec and I received the rebate.
The 2nd rebate was rejected because they said I sent no evidence of purchasing a shredder - a receipt with the products circled. I DID send that. Their suggestion was to send a receipt with the products circled??? It is the same receipt I sent the first time!
Has anyone else experienced problems with Symantec concerning rebates and what did you do to get the rebate?