I've just experienced my first rebootless patch, from to 20.2 (I think). I clicked "apply now" instead of "apply later".
The GUI informs me, "closing applications" and a few minutes later, "restarting applications".
After about 5 minutes, the GUI window disappears.
During the 5 minutes, I wasn't sure whether I should continue to surf the internet. I did continue with no problem.
When the GUI window disappeared without a "Honey, I'm done with the chore. Goodbye.", I look at the System Tray and the personal settings for those icons were gone. In looking to "reset" those system tray icon settings, I find the Norton icon is nowhere to be found.
I go to Start Menu and tried to run the program from there and nothing happened. I tried LiveUpdate from there and nothing happened.
Looking at TaskManager, I see two username entries for ccsvchost and one system entry for ccsvchost.
Looks like I'll have to reboot after all! See you on the other side.