I started using the Android app version of Norton Identity Safe back in November of last year. I remember distinctly setting up my Norton account and then being given the option of either using a PIN or password. I chose to use the PIN and do not remember setting up a password to get access to my vault. I didn't have any problems with this up until Monday (5/4/15), where I was prompted to enter in a password to access my vault instead of the usual PIN number. I haven't installed any updates to the phone nor a newer version of the app (which to the best of my knowledge hasn't been updated since at least a few months before I initially installed it). I have been in contact with support and they insist that I had to have set a password at the same time that I established the PIN. Again, I have no recollection of doing so. To humor them, I tried every permutation of any password that I would've used and uninstalling/re-installing the app (along with resetting cache in the app manager) and none of it worked. Even more to the point, the PIN option isn't even available to me after re-installing the app, nor is it available in the online version. Is anyone else having a similar issue? I really don't want to reset/start a new account as the info that I have (hopefully it's still there) is pretty important to me.