Registry Cleanup in v 5.0 keeps running forever on my Win/Xp SP3 machine in the FONTS Section

I have 2 machine.

One with win/Vista and one older one with Win/XP sp3.

Upgraded both machines to Norton 360 v 5.0.

Applied all updates for both windows and Norton.

Now on my Vista machine all runs fine including Norton Registry Cleanup !.

But on my Win/Xp machine only the Norton Registry Cleanup gives problems.

It starts normal, but in the display,ay with Registry Cleanup in the FONTS SECTION it keeps saying "running", but it never ends ! I have let it run for 2 days, but it never ends, When canceled windows report it as a problems and send an error report to MS.

It then ends Norton and restarts it again, which takes about 1 minute.

Monitoring the Registry Cleanup with Windows Task Manager reveal that it only uses from 2 to 7 percent CPU. Also the I/O is normal and all other tasks can run normally beside it.

I already cleaned my registry with pother tools and even compressed it, but the Registry Cleanup still is stuck at the Fonts Section.

What can I do to have it run normally.

All other tasks and other program runs fine on this machine.

