My Registry cleanup is currently turned off. How do I turn back on?
Click on Settings -> Task Scheduling. There you can uncheck registry clean up, and it wont do it any more.
When you tried to run the System Restore did you do that at boot time or from the destop? If from the desktop (not at boot time), try to reboot the system and tap the F8 key until the Advanced Options Menu appears. Use the arrow keys to highlight "Last known Good Configuration" and press enter. Let us know how this goes.
@ RussBridge,
Be advised you must disable Tamper Protection in 360 in order to complete a system restore. Perhaps if you could get 360 to open again (after following dbrisendine's suggestion) you could use this info!
Try the instructions from the following Symantec KB:
"Registry cleaning" is snake oil. It doesn't help anything, and can cripple the system if too aggressive. Marketing often suggests that registry cleaning is the best thing you can do for your computer, when in fact it almost never provide any meaningful performance boosts. And if the registry really is corrupt, no "registry cleaner" can fix it.
Bombastus wrote:"Registry cleaning" is snake oil. It doesn't help anything, and can cripple the system if too aggressive. Marketing often suggests that registry cleaning is the best thing you can do for your computer, when in fact it almost never provide any meaningful performance boosts. And if the registry really is corrupt, no "registry cleaner" can fix it.
See this message for an example:
Do you spend time in Compuserve by any chance? <g>
I used the reg cleaner and got away with it. I was having weird problems form the Java, Norton, and other installs. t fixed 18 “problems” and my PC seems better but I agree with Bombastus. I ran it out of curiosity and it worked flawless. Maybe run it every month or when needed. It is risky but after Java updates and sometimes windows updates it does fix things.
I ran it and it worked but I agree it’s risky at times. Maybe run every other month
I'd suggest that you can't know that it ran perfectly -- only that it did not do any visible damage ..... and if it does you'll know sooner or later.
I had problems indicating registry probs from broken entries and indeed that is what it removed. I don’t plan on running this app for at least another windows update. It is a valid OK app to use but with all things including defrag and checkdisc there are risks but you have to weigh the risk vs the benefit and go from there…
Obviously there's an element of personal choice and experience in all these sorts of decisions ......
I can’t think of any cleaver answer to your reply except “yes”.
I agree with what you said, and I feel so lucky I didn’t hose my PC. Reg cleaner is no substitute for good PC maintenance. Yes, it’s snake oil but this version from 360v5 seems better,maybe others out there can post their experiences with this new version of reg cleaner from 360v5?
My registry cleanup will not run to completion, it starts and goes up to 92% and no further.
Hi, sue_100,
Registry cleaners are inherently dangerous, because many registry "errors" are just poorly documented entries that may look like they've been orphaned (because the program that installed them has been uninstalled) but have actually been piggybacked on by other programs that failed to document the dependency. A registry cleaner then comes along, sees the "orphan" and sweeps it out with the trash--disabling your font, for example.
The CD/DVD drive situation sounds like a known Microsoft issue, for which they have a fix posted on their site.
Bottom line is your gut instinct here is correct: most of us would recommend you think long and hard before running any registry cleaner, about whether the perceived problem you hope it will solve is worth the risk of it (or you) making a mistake and removing something that's still needed by some third-party program that failed to document it, which neither you nor Norton could possibly know about.
Glad you were able to get everything working again!
Yes, registry cleaners are 95% harm, 5% inconsequential.
N360 creates a Windows restore point (assuming you haven't turned it off) before butchering the registry; restore from that point to recover.
Yes it trashed my BlueTooth. Never use it again. Check your setting to make sure it is not set to do it as a schedule task, or it may do it again (like it did for me)
I believe Norton should not offer this utility as I have seen many stories of of Norton trashing something. Had to do loads of reading to sort out my problem, and Norton live help was useless.
For better or worse, the users desperately want to be able to do this. We see about as many people coming here with technical questions about running it as we do coming here with these problems. I've got to admit, I kind of like having it around, myself...and in all the years it's been offered, I've never had a single problem with it.
Of course as you might imagine from what I've said previously, I've pretty much only run it when something has told me explicitly that I've got a registry problem.
So, given the level of demand, I expect Norton will continue to make it available--while continuing to make it one of the most conservative registry cleaners out there, to minimize the chance of the sort of thing you experienced.
And we'll continue to caution people here about the risks!
[Edit: we also get many more stories about Live Chat saving the day than reporting them not being helpful--on the order of a hundred to one. They're really superb. But while they do field technical issues like yours pretty regularly, their breand and butter are subscription problems and other things that simply require somebody with access to your Norton records. You'll generally get better results on the tough technical issues (which come up much less frequently) by coming here, where folks that have been using Norton for ten or twenty years hang out just waiting for such problems to chew on!]
Re: Rolo X2 post from 12-05-2011 - Tried that. Windows XP System Restore wouldn't do it because it claimed that there were NO system changes before and after the Registry Cleanup (I find that hard to believe). Next time I'll make a backup copy of the Registry if and when I ever try another Registry Cleanup.