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Issue abstract: VPN does not connect, re-installatiion attempt did not work
Detailed description: Tried to reinstall VPN after not being able to connect. After the download the installation app said it was installed and activated, but it did not fix problem. In the windows app list, I only see Norton 360… no security app.
I repeated the install with same results.
Product & version number:
OS details:Windows 10
What is the error message you are seeing?
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Are you installing/reinstalling standalone Norton Secure VPN with Norton 360?
Does N360 built in Secure VPN work/connect?
Norton Secure VPN standalone & Norton 360 installed…may cause odd behavior. Have you always had both installed…trying to connect standalone Norton Secure VPN?
Not intentionally using VPN standalone. I was using VPN with my Norton 360 and it stopped connecting completely after some intermittent issues. I went to ?help and there was suggestion to delete secure VPN and download and reinstall secure VPN… this may be stand alone?
What I deleted from Windows something about Norton Security but didn’t match help name.
There is a Norton 360 app still installed in windows… which I assume is the app I am opening.