Forgive me if I am missing something, but I have a problem trying to set up a VPN for logging into my PC at work. I get the message saying my local settings do not allow this connection. I have searched the postings from last year on this problem, and have tried as much of it as I could understand. I am not having any luck.
I just installed XP Pro with SP3 and Norton360. I finally got my Citrix connection and software installed, but am not refused a remote login for the above reason. I have confirmed that MS firewall is disabled and the Norton firewall has the mstsc.exe "allowed" in the program rules. I haven't a clue as to how to manage the references to opening port 3389, and a reference I found on another site suggesting running "ccLGView.exe" did not help either. For some reason, that one gives me an error saying the app failed because the configuration is incorrect. It suggests I reinstall the application, but I am in no hurry to reinstall Norton360 again. Three times is sufficient for one machine.
I could use some help on this. I have gone to a lot of trouble to get an XP machine up and running for this VPN, and I am very distressed that I cannot seem to make it past this last step.
I disabled Norton's firewall and tried again. Same problem :"local policy of this system do not permit you to logon interactively". So I checked the Windows firewall to confirm that it is also not on. It, too, is disabled.
Just to check on the back ground of this; you have the Citrix / GoToMyPC service running on your Work Desktop correct? And your Work Desktop computer is powered on and you are logged in there?
What version is the N360 software? This is found in Help & Support > About.
I am not sure how to describe the Citrix service, as it is done through my employer and Citrix. I was directed to download the client software from a Citrix site carrying my company's name. I am assuming this is the same process, just done with my company's side already in place.
Thanks, but I had already tried that. In fact, I am logged in as administrator, and noted that the admin was already included.
However, something occurred to me. I am assuming that when it refers to "local" it is talking about my pc, here, at my house. It is happening in the remote screen, when I would be logging in at my pc at work. Could it be referring to THAT pc's local policies? I am not getting much support from the man at work who is supposed to be setting this up for me, hence my blind efforts to do it myself. I did tell him of what I was seeing, and he seemed to empathize, but he offered no advice. The server is down at work today, as we are off for the holiday, so I will check with him tomorrow. I don't have a good grasp of the terminology used in the neworking world. I am a programmer, not a systems guru. I am really not as dumb as I sound.
thanks for your advise and your concern. I'll let you know.
You actually beat me to the question as I wondered which system was giving you the local policy error. It sounds as though you are getting to your work network and possibly your Work Desktop computer but if the local security policy on that system (Work Desktop) will not allow a remote login to happen then you will be blocked.
Message Edited by dbrisendine on 10-12-2009 02:28 PM
Forgive me if I am missing something, but I have a problem trying to set up a VPN for logging into my PC at work. I get the message saying my local settings do not allow this connection. I have searched the postings from last year on this problem, and have tried as much of it as I could understand. I am not having any luck.
I just installed XP Pro with SP3 and Norton360. I finally got my Citrix connection and software installed, but am not refused a remote login for the above reason. I have confirmed that MS firewall is disabled and the Norton firewall has the mstsc.exe "allowed" in the program rules. I haven't a clue as to how to manage the references to opening port 3389, and a reference I found on another site suggesting running "ccLGView.exe" did not help either. For some reason, that one gives me an error saying the app failed because the configuration is incorrect. It suggests I reinstall the application, but I am in no hurry to reinstall Norton360 again. Three times is sufficient for one machine.
I could use some help on this. I have gone to a lot of trouble to get an XP machine up and running for this VPN, and I am very distressed that I cannot seem to make it past this last step.