TightGit wrote:
Perhaps "nagging" was over-stating the case, but it's comforting to see the Norton 360 icon with a nice green tick on it, which doesn't happen if I turn off the back-up.
So can you advise on the delete and re-install procedure for the 2GB storage, please?
First lets try to stop the nagging - which may make the second part easier.
Open N360 - when you get the initial splash screen with the 4 panes, select "Settings" from the top bar. You should get something like this (less the red arrows).
Uncheck the two boxes shown by the red arrows, then click on "Close". Now you should no longer be nagged about backups, and backup should no longer be a reason for removing the green tick. If it does give you a red cross again because of the backup then do come back and we will try again; but I very much doubt it.
OK now lets get rid of that 2 GB.
Make sure you have a good internet connection.
Open N360 so you get the normal splash screen with 4 panes; select the Backup pane; from the dropdown select "Manage Backup Sets". You should see something like this (without the red arrow).
Check how many backup sets are shown in the dropdown following the words "Backup set name:", where the above image shows "Test online". If you only have the one, let me know, Norton may decline to delete the set. But we can deal with that if we need to (see below).
Next click on the entry "Delete Backup sets" (see red arrow) and on the next screen choose the option to "delete backup set and files" and then click YES.
Leave it to run. When it reports completion you should have cleared out all your online backup. Job done ..... Unless it insists on having a backup set - in which case .........
Select "Create new backup set" from the list of three blue options on the right. Set any settings you like (and the Norton will accept) apart from the "When" option which needs to be set to "Manual". Save these settings. Now the job really should be done. You may have had to define the new backup set before it will let you delete the old one in which case the two above steps may need to be reversed, but it should get the same result.
Now you should have an empty online backup and N360 not nagging you about the backup at all. Well that is the theory. Do let us know how you get on, whatever happens. If there are any problems then just come back and I am sure we can get it sorted.
I hope the above is clear. Good luck.