I have Norton 360 and Utilities Ultimate on my laptop, my old IPad and my mobile. They are due for renewal in March. I’ve just looked at renewal prices and I don’t think I can afford both - I’m on a pension. My inclination is to renew the 360 due to the security and virus protection. Any advice?
please check out, usually the system adds some extra things to the order (eg. install by experts or something like that for extra $8-10). You can remove thoese from the order.
If you remove these, do you get the same prize you started with?
Which product (&version) are you trying to renew?
is there a 25% discount on the new antivirus ?
Sorry for slow reply! Appreciate your speedy ones! I currently have 360, version 4.0 exclusive gold edition.
The difference in cost is not any extras as such, the check out wants to udate me to the version 5.0, but I am happy to just renew what I have...as offered on the renewal page!
cdestefano wrote:is there a 25% discount on the new antivirus ?
The cost of the various norton products is posted on the Norton website. If you are looking for discounts you might try local resellers. I'm not sure which product you are calling the 'new' antivirus.
You are welcome. Glad I could help.
Thanks for your advice. It was very helpful.
To save some money, you can disable the Automatic Renewal for your current subscription(s), and search around for 360 from Norton or from reputable retailers at a lower cost. Just remember that if you do purchase directly from Norton, the new subscription will start when the payment is made. So wait until you have one or two days remaining on the subscription before making the purchase. If you purchase from another retailer, when you enter the new product key, you will lose any remaining time on the current subscription. So again you would need to wait until one or two days remaining to enter the new key.
Depending on your computer knowledge and use, you may not need the Utilities program. Most people can probably do without it. The only reason I have it installed is to I can help users that come here looking for help with Norton Utilities. Current Windows systems do a good job of most maintenance tasks.