Restore identity safe profiles from an old hard drive to a new hard drive

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Since you had not taken a backup of the identity safe profile, it will be difficult to restore the particular profiles. Still if you can find out a file with .npm extension, we can try restoring it.


If you are using NIS 08 on Windows XP, then the files you are looking for are under “C:\Documents and Settings<your user name>\Application Data\Symantec\NPMDataStore”.  You will want to restore the CIMStore_bak.xml file.  Once you have done that, you will need to restore the file through NIS.  You can do this by attempting to log in to Identity Safe with the wrong password twice.  After the second time, it will give you the option to recover your profile.  After you recover you should be good to go.  You will not be able to update the CIMStore.xml file directly.

Of course if the files were damaged during the drive failure, then you may not be able to login or data may be corruped or missing.

If you are using Windows Vista, then the files are located in “C:\Users<your user name>\AppData\Roaming\Symantec\NPMDataStore”.

Thank You.