I've been using Norton 360 for a long time for virus protection as well as back-up. My computer has 3 drives, the C: system drive, a storage drive labeled E:, and a spare drive labeled D:. My back-up set had been set to back-up all of E: and most of C: to my D: drive.
This back-up had been configured to back-up weekly, and it has been for as long as I can remember.
This Monday, disaster struck, and my C: drive died. My E: storage drive was ok, but there is quite a bit on my C: drive I would like to have back. I purchased a new C: drive, reinstalled windows, re-downloaded and installed N360 using my registered key, and proceeded to try to recover my files from my back-up.
N360 will not see my back-up set. I have tried everything I can think of, including creating a new small back-up set and then copying my old back-up set into the new folder created by N360 and trying to refresh and have it detect the set.
I have been disheartened by reading postings on the internet while doing this (takes a long time to copy 300+ GB back and forth) and seeing that - according to the internet - N360 has a tough time restoring a back-up set to a new computer or, in my case, new hard drive.
It's very difficult for me to believe this as I cannot understand the point of a back-up if not to be able to back-up your data in the event of a disaster such as mine. From what I have read, N360 back-up is only useful if your C: drive does not fail? This seems silly.
I have looked at on-line storage, but never used it as my back-up files have frequently exceeded 300 GB, and I can't see the logic in paying for on-line storage when I have a spare hard drive in my computer and N360 using it as a back-up space.
Can someone (community or symantec) pleaes help? Is there a hidden command I'm not using?
On a side note, I did notice that N360 looks somewhat different than it did when I used it in the past - I'm assuming this is the 4.0 interface? Would the new version have anything to do with it? If so, how can I get the version I was using back? My purchase was a digital download, so I simply re-downloaded N360. Certainly if there is a version mismatch that would cause a back-up to not work, symantec would have engineered a translation solution between the two?
As it stands right now, I have a huge back-up file that N360 created and now cannot read. Please tell me I've done more with N360 than simply spend $80 and tied up my computer for a few hours each week to fill my spare drive with an unreadable file.