Restoring backup without (full) Norton

I removed my Norton 360 and replaced it with a different antivirus after a supposed virus attack. I still have the license, do I need to install Norton 360  in full again for restoring my backup? Because then I will have to delete the another antivirus of course.

Hi violetr777

Was the back up online (in the cloud) or on an external drive?






Hi intesec,


It was on an external drive.



The "portable" restore files are arestore.exe and arestore.loc

Do you have those files on the removable drive, they are usually copied there when you designate a external drive as the backup location.



Hi Dave,


Yes I have both of them.



Hi again Dave,


I googled these files and found out that they solve my problem. Many thanks!



I'm sorry, I was busy today.

I should have said if you have those files, just double click arestore.exe.   Those files will let you restore your backups using any windows computer and it's not necessary to have 360 installed for it to work.



Thank you Dave,  I already found that out and it was precisely what I needed.


Best regards,
