Revoked Product key


    I brought a legitimate copy of Norton internet security 2010, 2 year  subscription for 3 PCs.( i have the product key and serial number ) Which I have installed on two laptops.

I recived a message on one of my laptops saying that with my subscrition I could upgrade to Norton 2011 for free, which I did but after installing it I got a message saying " Revoked Product key" And it went back to trial period..


This is a legitimate copy, I haven't updated the over laptop and Norton is still working fine it sayes I still have 406 day subscription left


Can anybody tell me why this has happend and how to fix it.



Hi paragon,


Welcome to the Norton Community. On the computer in which you are having the problem what is your version of NIS from Support > About? Also what OS and SP (service pack) do you have and is it 32 or 64 bit?


Had you just recently purchased your new subscription? Where did you purchase it from? If you log into your Norton Account what does the status show? Look for highlighted areas as in my example below.


After updating to NIS 2011, did you run live update repeatedly (rebooting as requested) until it reported no more updates?


Click on Support > Subscription Status. NIS will communicate with the Symantec server and sync up your subscription status.


If it still does not show correctly you will need to contact Customer Service and they can help straighten this out for you.


Hope this helps and please let us know how it goes.


Best wishes.





     NIS version is

     OS is Vista Home, 32, service pack 2.

     It was purchased online in feb 2010 and was installed then.

     My Norton account dosent show anything on this subscription only my last subscription, (at the time of installing it i,m shaw it registered.


      After installing 2011 it just said to restart the pc which I did, After restart straight away  this message came up saying revoked product key, all updates are up to date.


Under support there is no subscription status option, just  Help,Get support,Tutorial and about.




paragon wrote:


     NIS version is

     OS is Vista Home, 32, service pack 2.

     It was purchased online in feb 2010 and was installed then.

     My Norton account dosent show anything on this subscription only my last subscription, (at the time of installing it i,m shaw it registered.

>> What does this last statement mean? Have you registered NIS using more than one email account?? You indicate only your last subscription is shown but nothing on "this" subscription.


      After installing 2011 it just said to restart the pc which I did, After restart straight away  this message came up saying revoked product key, all updates are up to date.


Under support there is no subscription status option, just  Help,Get support,Tutorial and about.

>> This is concerning. Are you absolutely sure you don't see a "Subscription status" option in the Support menu? If you don't see this then there is a problem with your NIS installation.




Hi paragon,


See above.

On your other computer which you have not upgraded yet can you confirm it says "Norton Internet Security" and what is the version on the other computer? On the other computer do you see Subscription Status option?


Best wishes.


Hello paragon


You mentioned that you bought NIS online. By any chance did you buy it on eBay?

It was puchased on ebay


Hello paragon,


Do you have a physical copy of the software with the physical license key, or was the purchase digital only? There's really no way to tell if the software is legitimate unless you purchase from a trusted retailer. 


You could contact Customer Service to see if they can check on the code and see if its legitimate. If not, I would contact eBay and file a dispute. 


Contact Customer Service

I am having the same exact issue with a 3 year key. Isn't the point of a product key to tell if the product is legitimate? I don't see how the key has worked fine for over a year and half to then be randomly canceled when told to update to 2011. Why doesn't Norton have keys taken off eBay like Microsoft since they apparently aren't a "trusted retailer". Opening a dispute with eBay will mean nothing after a year and a half of purchase. I don't get why Norton has chosen to go after users who believed they were purchasing a valid cd key instead of the people who are distributing the key illegally. For a user who has been legally and loyally purchasing your product since Windows 95 I feel like this is a harsh way to treat your customers.

HI starsfan,


I would suggest that you contact Customer Service and explain what happened. They are the ones to handle this type of thing. Chat is the best option.


Please let us know what happens.


Best wishes.




<< I don't get why Norton has chosen to go after users who believed they were purchasing a valid cd key instead of the people who are distributing the key illegally. >>


I understand fully how you feel but, if you think about it, Norton are not going after the customers they are going after the suppliers. But they have a record of a certain KEY being in use because that's what the activation does; they may not know that the KEY is fraudulent in the sense of forged but what we are encountering is that people on eBay are selling KEYs that have been wholly or partly used and eventually the system flags that and notifies the user -- which includes you unfortunately and you are the only person who knows who the supplier is.


PLEASE contact Customer Support as suggested and tell them exactly what happened including who you bought it from and when and you may be surprised: the flag may be erroneous and you are OK. But even if it is fraudulent I will be very surprised if they will not turn out to realize it is not your fault and ask what they can do.


I've read that Microsoft frequently deal with this, if you can provide enough information on where you got a fraudulent Windows, by taking the evidence from you and activating your copy of Windows. So what have you got to lose by checking with Customer Support -- everyone says that OnLine Chat is the best..


Your comment on Microsoft's action on eBay is interesting and I'm sure will be read by Norton.