I have searched the forum and I have not found this problem addressed yet:
On the Safe Web Review Forum, all reviewers reviews are are not completely shown. The review is cut at the right end of the review.
I have searched the forum and I have not found this problem addressed yet:
On the Safe Web Review Forum, all reviewers reviews are are not completely shown. The review is cut at the right end of the review.
ProTruckDriver wrote:I have searched the forum and I have not found this problem addressed yet:
On the Safe Web Review Forum, all reviewers reviews are are not completely shown. The review is cut at the right end of the review.
This is what I'm seeing > http://safeweb.norton.com/buzz
Some of the reviews may be shifted right...
Are you reporting reviews are cut off mid word at the right, or are you reporting some reviews are not completely shown.
Umm, some reviews have a more >> to view complete review
Site doesn't take credit cards. Requires you to buy Amazon giftcards and provide the gift card info to them. This leaves y...
more »Hi bjm_,
Most of the reviews are shifted to the right and make it unreadable at the right hand margin.
Also when you click "more>> to view complete review", the complete review is shifted right also.
ProTruckDriver wrote:
Hi bjm_,
Most of the reviews are shifted to the right and make it unreadable at the right hand margin. Also when you click "more>> to view complete review", the complete review is shifted right also.
Did my posted links render shifted to the right and unreadable for you....
Please post example link(s) as you see it...
Need feedback from another 18.5 user as I still have 18.1
Is this shift right unreadable recent behavior
This is the way I see the reviews. This just recently happened.
I have forgot to add that this is happening with both versions of NIS 2011. Version and
Hi ProTruckDriver
re > << This is the way I see the reviews. This just recently happened. >>
Thanks... a picture is worth 1000 words ;-)
I only wished I was as smart as your pictures. ;-(
From Firefox I thought maybe zoom...no change.
From Firefox I thought Character Encoding... I do see more of a pronounced rt shift and some words cut-off when I change from default Unicode to Western. Not as severe as your example...but, still evident.
Firefox defaults back to Unicode... unable to maintain Western to investigate ?
IDK ~ Hope this helps
Hello PTD,
Just wanted to say another quick thanks for highlighting this.
Hello ProTruckDriver
I viewed your SafeWeb page symptoms w IE8. As my preferred browser is Firefox. I have not viewed SafeWeb from IE8 for some time.
My IE8 settings ~~ Tools > Compatibility Settings > with check at Include updated websites lists from Microsoft and check at Display all websites in Compatibility View
(Windows Updates ~ install all Updates for Internet Explorer including Updates for Compatibility view list)
With my IE8 settings SafeWeb page displays exactly as you report.
Odd work around ~~ Tools > Compatibility View Settings > removed my check from Display all websites in Compatibility View and SafeWeb page renders with minimal rt shift and no words cut off.
Maybe Compatibility View was helpful early in IE8 release. Now, maybe Compatibility View is not so helpful. Or,
page presentation needs improvement.
Hope this helps..
bjm_ wrote:Hello ProTruckDriver
I viewed your SafeWeb page symptoms w IE8. As my preferred browser is Firefox. I have not viewed SafeWeb from IE8 for some time.My IE8 settings ~~ Tools > Compatibility Settings > with check at Include updated websites lists from Microsoft and check at Display all websites in Compatibility View
(Windows Updates ~ install all Updates for Internet Explorer including Updates for Compatibility view list)With my IE8 settings SafeWeb page displays exactly as you report.
Odd work around ~~ Tools > Compatibility View Settings > removed my check from Display all websites in Compatibility View and SafeWeb page renders with minimal rt shift and no words cut off.Maybe Compatibility View was helpful early in IE8 release. Now, maybe Compatibility View is not so helpful. Or,
page presentation needs improvement.
Hope this helps..
Thank you bjm_.
I deleted Norton.com from the Compatibility View Settings and now all reviews can be read. It looks like Compatibility View is not so helpful. This is what the review looks like with Compatibility View turned off on Safe Web:
ProTruckDriver wrote:
I deleted Norton.com from the Compatibility View Settings and now all reviews can be read.
It looks like Compatibility View is not so helpful.
Thanks for posting back & Solved to help others.
Hopefully Symantec will review this Topic and resolve the rt shift. Text presentation is still less than optimal.
Hello Super Phishing Phryer,
Now, I am still not 100% certain as to what has to be modified in I.E. 8, however, in I.E. 7, the problem still persists.
Thank you for welcoming me to this forum,
Hammer_Bro wrote:Hello Super Phishing Phryer,
Now, I am still not 100% certain as to what has to be modified in I.E. 8, however, in I.E. 7, the problem still persists.
Thank you for welcoming me to this forum,
Let me offer this kb article re Compatibility View IE8/9.
As to IE7... it has been along time since I'd played with IE7.
SafeWeb page fonts appear to be set by the website. I've been able to alter SafeWeb presentation by changing page preset font size (IE8) via Internet Options > Accessibility > Ignore font size specified on page. Page > Text Size. This appears to offers a way to fine tune IE8 Compatibility View. Note to ProTruckDriver. With IE8 Compatibility View tic'd. Override preset page fonts to a larger font appears to improve page presentation. All of that said. I am at a loss as to why IE7 does not render optimally. I will offer this info on IE7/8 fonts. I will offer this info on IE7/8 browser settings. Finally at the bottom of SafeWeb page is Leave Feedback. I am at a loss to understand why page presentation is less than optimal w IE. Other than the rt shift w Firefox. I may read all text w FF.
As I wrote earlier. I have not viewed SafeWeb from IE for some time. So, would that I could point you to a definitive answer. Hopefully the Community will chime in.
Hello again S.P.P.,
Trust me, I have submitted my angry feedback multiple times, called Symantec directly, and am trying to pool Safe Web users (that I know) to voice their opposition to the "improvements" as well.
Hammer_Bro wrote:Hello again S.P.P.,
Trust me, I have submitted my angry feedback multiple times, called Symantec directly, and am trying to pool Safe Web users (that I know) to voice their opposition to the "improvements" as well.
OK... thanks for update
Message received ~ ... did this info help you with your questions.
Tell me what "improvements" I should oppose and I'll submit my feedback.
Hello again,
The “improvements” (as I like to call them) are the following: 1.) Obviously, the cut-off text boxes. 2.) Un-hyperlinked titles for reviewers’ reviews. That provided convenient access, I am disappointed to see that go. 3.) At one time, if a site was a .com, you could just simply type in the first part i.e., “Norton” then hit enter and it would bring up Norton.com. Now, if you notice, if you just type in “Norton” and hit enter, it will say something to the effect of, “Please enter a valid Website address.” Boy, if that isn’t annoying as all get out (so to speak).
Quite frankly, (in my opinion) they did not make any qualitative changes to safeweb.norton.com - - they dumbed it down. Now, what would have been a substantive improvement would have been to create a quick access directory (searchable) to find specific reviewers who you have come to know and trust. That, would have been awesome! Furthermore, at one point, there were no intrusive ads on Safe Web. Now, the ads are encroaching, a bad trend in my opinion. Lastly, more recently, Safe Web has deployed a tracking cookie from: http://images.shrinktheweb.com/xino.php. I REALLY don’t like that.
Please Note:- If you concur with anything I have mentioned, feel free to give me “kudos” and direct your friends to this post.
All the best,
Hello Hammer_Bro
Thanks for your reply
You may consider starting a new Topic for better exposure.
Since my preferred browser is Firefox I don't see at least some of the issues you point to.
There are ways to block ads, scripts & tracking cookies.
I sense your frustration and I am sorry you are dissatisfied with SafeWeb “improvements” (as you call them).
Good Luck
Hi S.P.P.,
Interestingly enough, the ads I’m referencing are inherently part of Safe Web. One example being Safe Web Light. Now, you might say, “It is the Safe Web forum after all….” Yes, yes. However, doesn’t Norton give enough exposure to their add-on products already? Must they be featured on Safe Web? For me, it is more of the principle of the thing. For example, what ads will be coming next? Do you see where I’m going with this?
As for tracking cookie(s), trust me, I already have my Browser configured in such a way that these nuisances are automatically blocked. For me, (again) it is more of the principle of the thing. I just do NOT like the fact that Norton is tracking people. Then I realise the counter-argument is that there is no “personally identifiable information”, however, I submit to you, is that really the case? In order to comply with subpoenas they have ways of directly pin-pointing whom they need to deal with (so to speak). Then you might say that that is an extreme example and outside of it the information remains out of the mainstream. Be that as it may, they can access you (if deemed) and, we can only hope that the information is used on a “need to know” basis exclusively.