On the “Community Buzz” Homepage for Safe Web, “latest reviews” seems to be frozen e.g. sendfile.su “reviewed” by Agastos1 has been there for some time now, yet, newer reviews are in the pipeline if you click “see more recent reviews”. Might I add that some of those “reviews” in the “pipeline” are completely inappropriate and may even be considered criminal. Most outstanding is presented by someone referenced as “aliakbar 52” his exploits, for now, begin on pp. 7. Please see:- http://safeweb.norton.com/reviews?page=7. This is another appeal to Moderator Shannon (of this forum) to police that forum.
Is it because of those lurid reviews that Norton has halted the Community Buzz Homepage? If not, this seems to be more blatant incompetence - - right on the heels (so to speak) of when there was that pornographic avatar debacle.
Who in the world is moderating that forum now? Whomever it is needs a strong reprimand maybe even demotion. Let me say this, if Symantec happens to be looking for a new moderator for that forum, I will unhesitatingly send in my résumé and gladly “drop the hammer” (my namesake) on those hooligans. Moreover, it is in my opinion that Safe Web needs more qualitative reviewers. To that end, I am proposing that Norton require that anyone who desires to become a reviewer for them must take a series of Continuing Education Units (CEUs) prescribed by them and pass a rigorous exam (at the end) with no lower than a score of ninety [90]. The aforementioned would demonstrate solid commitment and ability to properly review Websites. Once such a mechanism is in place, you will be amazed at how quickly the troublemakers disperse.