Safe Web Verification does not work

I also registered at safe web, but did not get the email.


Through these forums, I was able to verify  ownership of one site - but am having problems with a redirected site.  I placed the file in the root folder of the site that it is being redirected to, but it can't verification doesn't work.  Any suggestions?





[edit: Clarified subject to reflect moved post.]

HI mlh57,


I have asked a moderator to turn your post into a thread of its own since you are having problems with verifying your website, not with activating your Safe Web account.


Hello mlh57,


I want to be sure I understand your issue correctly.


The authentication file must be placed in the Root Directory of the site which you submitted to Safe Web in order to complete ownership verification.


For example:

• Your site A is redirected to your site B.

• If you registered site A with Safe Web and placed that authentication file at the Root of site B, then that is likely the cause of your issue. The HTML authentication file must be associated directly with the URL that it is registered to.


Let me know if that describes your scenario.



Moved to own thread for better exposure.

That is correct.  But since I own the domain name and redirect the site, I don't have a hosting service affiliated with the site;  therefore, I don't have a root directory.  I have never redirected/pointed a domain before - so I think this is how it works.  If I am correct, how can I get the site verified.



Does your "main" site already have its own Safe Web authentication code in the Root Directory? 

Yes it does and I received owner verification. 


Just to clarify, when I go to my webhost and click on my parked domain the root directory of the re-direct comes up.

The authentication files for both sites are in the root folder.



Okay. Since the "main" website ownership has been verified, remove the authentication file registered to that site, leaving in place the new one for the redirected site.


You will not jeopardize the status of the original site by doing this. Once ownership has been verified, the code does not have to remain in the Root Directory.


Let me know how you do.

Did that and I stil can't get site verification.

One last suggestion.


Remove the new HTML file from the Root Directory.


Place the customized meta tag (from your email) into the head section of your home page.  It should look similar to this:


<meta name="norton-safeweb-site-verification" content="ab01234cde....(your unique 128 character code)"/>

Let me know.


Nope that didn't work either.


I also never received my emails when I signed up!


I really appreciate your help.

Post the URL of the site in question and I'll have a look at the source code. - ownership verified - trying to verify.  This domain is parked at the above site.

I apologize for making you go through all these edits, but I notice a syntax error in the meta tag you just placed.


The end of the meta tag looks like this:



You have a line break and are missing the /.


Could you change the end to look exactly like this?



I originally had the / and it didn't work, so I took it out.


Put it back in and it still didn't work - but realized I had a space at the end n4v2" />!

Took out the space and it worked.

I really appreciate your help.

From reading through the forums, it takes about 2 weeks for Norton to verify the site.  Is this correct?  Since it is a ? site, do I have to submit a re-evaluation request or will they automatically evaluate it?


If you can confirm this ownership verification status in your Norton Safe Web profile,





then your site has been automatically queued for the rating evaluation and there is nothing else you need do at this point.


The evaluation may take 10 to 14 days (although I have seen it take less time).


In the Norton Safe Web portal you should select the option "subscribe to rating change". This way, if your rating ever changes in the future, you will be notified by email. However, I don't believe this notifies you for your initial change from Untested to Safe.


Best Wishes for your website!