Save and Restore Recovery Issues

I have a Intel Motherboard, 2 G of RAM, a 186 GB Harddisk, and a USB 256 G Western Digital Passport drive that I use for backup.  I formerly had Norton Ghost v. 10 which seemed to be working fine before I attempted an Ugrade to Save and Restore 2.0.  When installing the NSR 2.0, a message came up that it found a previous version of Ghost, that it had to erase or disable.  Once that was done, two drivers were found to be missing when I attempted to set up a recovery disk (error message shown below):


 The following devices do not have drivers in the Symantec Recovery Disk.

Packet Scheduler Miniport
Symantec Network Security Miniport

A detailed information about these devices is given below

Description    : Packet Scheduler Miniport
Class        : Net
Class Guid    : {4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
Hardware Id    : ms_pschedmp
Hardware Id    : ms_pschedmp
Description    : Symantec Network Security Miniport
Class        : Net
Class Guid    : {4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
Hardware Id    : symc_SymIMmp
Hardware Id    : symc_SymIMmp
Hardware Id    : symc_SymIMmp


I have been able to back up to my USB drive successfully, it is possible to select a recovery point and then select subdirectories or individual files for restore, but the following circumstance will happen if I attempt a "recover my computer":


A box will pop up to give me information on how the backup is proceeding (0%), the box will say that it is validating the image and the USB drive lights will be lit showing me that it is being accessed, but after waiting for 20 minutes, nothing seems to be happening on the restore.  How long does a user have to wait before a full restore is implemented?  I tried to delete NSR 2.0 so that I could go back to Ghost version 10, but it doesn't want to to work either.   I really liked the Norton backup product before because it was so reliable, that faith has been badly shaken.