Scam from Norton/Lifelock

Received email from Norton-Lifelock.  Saying that they will charge my credit card because I did not cancel the trial plan.  Email came through my husband's email.  I called number listed : (804) 464-3552.  As soon as I called this number:  some one was access my computer-remote accessing, my mouse was moving around.  I spoke to a man name:  Edward Wilson.  I asked if they were accessing my computer, of course he stated he wasn't doing this.  He stated they will be refunding my money of $249 and asked me to go to this site to fill out this Refund Form, which I did.  Anyway, I got transferred to Eric Givens who proceeded to tell me to go to bank account to see if I got refund.   Like a dummy, I checked a bank account an instead of being refunded $24.99 I was refunded $2499.  Now Norton an Lifelock wanted the money back and tried to get me to refund it through CashApp or Another app that can transfer money.  I was on phone with them for 3 hours.  Before I realized they were scamming me.  They even tried to get me to put money on Gift Cards, which I refused!  Anyway, I closed my accounts and reported it to police.  The scammers had my credit cards and bank account numbers, therefore I closed my accounts.

I later, reported it to the three credit bureaus of this scam.

Beware peoples of this scam.  They prey on the elderly and disabled.  I have evidence of the sites they told me to go too and evidence of their illegal refund.  I even had my computer examined to see if they left crap on my computer.    There was a virus on computer which probably made it easy to remote access my computer.

Take Care Everyone,



Very similar scam to the Amazon refund. User receives a call stating your account will be charged X amount & to call a number to cancel. Should you call you’re asked to fill out a form, when entering the correct amount you’re told you’ve been refunded too much & to confirm the refund.  You’re them scammed out of the incorrect amount. 

most likely a phishing scam, never click on a atatchment, as i can recall there has never been any attached to my renewal emails


sheila lindsay:
I have received an email from Nicolas Araujo which I initially ignored as I thought might be a scam but then curiosity got the better of me and I opened the attachment which says they are invoicing me for 699.99 US$ for Norton Life Lock support. Should I be worried or ignore it? I haven't replied or phoned the number on the document. Thanks.

Definitely a scam. Delete the email and run a full system scan with your Norton 360. Then, I would suggest a second opinion scan using the FREE version of Malwarebytes. You can find it here 

If these scans come up clear, you should be OK.

I have received an email from Nicolas Araujo which I initially ignored as I thought might be a scam but then curiosity got the better of me and I opened the attachment which says they are invoicing me for 699.99 US$ for Norton Life Lock support. Should I be worried or ignore it? I haven’t replied or phoned the number on the document. Thanks.

The subscription fee to Norton has been paid in full. Up to two business days may pass before your payment is reflected in your account. PDF versions of the invoices were to be sent electronically. Please call our toll-free helpline immediately if you need assistance. +1 (805) 419-3833.

Please contact us at +1 (805) 419-3833 to cancel or request a refund. A member of our support staff is available at your convenience.


Norton Life Lock



Payment Mode

Auto debit


Norton Security Support: +1 (805) 419-3833.

that scam has been around for several years same number, its not a norton number that they use

also has other variations ( companys) that they do the same with

first red flag should of been them accessing ( remote access) your device, i would run a full scan and check for any malware or other things they might of put on

i would also make sure your device is up todate ( windows update etc..)


if i remember right ( double check that) you can file a report there, there is another site but cant think of it at moment

i would also have your bank investigate this also