Scan Complete - No Malware Detected (Norton Mobile Security for Android)

I have Norton Mobile Security for Android installed on my Galaxy S6 Active, and under the app's settings I have enabled a weekly scheduled scan.  Each time that this scan is run, my phone displays a notification that states, "Scan Complete - No Malware Detected," which I have to swipe away each time that it appears.  I would like to know if there is a way to disable this notification as I only want to know if a scan DOES detect malware.  If the scan is clean, then I don't necessarily need to know about it.  

An analogy would be having to regularly acknowledge a "Do not check your engine, everything is good," light in your car.  

Additionally, it seems that these scans occur WAY more frequently than the weekly schedule that I have configured it for.  It seems that I'm having to swipe that notification away daily, or sometimes even multiple times a day.  

Additional information:

  • Ongoing Notifications is turned OFF.
  • App version is

The scans will be run if your device receives a LiveUpdate with new malware definitions. Also you will get a scan when you install or update an app. The Weekly scheduled scan is there just in case there were no new definitions received in that time to make sure you do actually get a scan.

I'm not sure you can stop those notifications. Try turning the Ongoing Notifications back on, and restart your phone. Then turn off the setting again.