Scannning a NAS box using Norton 360

HI - We have 5 computers in our family so I purchase 2 x 3 licence Norton 360 each year.  As we have a fair amount of data amongst the machines, I use a Terrastation NAS box containing 4 drives in a Raid 5 array as a backup target for them all.  Every now and then, I use my laptop to do a full scan of the NAS box shares, but I have noticed that on a couple of occasions one drive will become corrupted midway through the scan and requires a rebuild of the array.  I had considered the possibility of data corruption due to an interruption in the wireless network so connected directly to the switch via CAT6 but the error still appears.  This only occurs during a full scan, has anyone else come across this probem?

I would appreciate any suggestions...

Have you considered the possibility that there is something wrong with the NAS, either hardware, firmware, or drivers?


Scanning a drive or array is really not much more than a "read".  If something is detected it's either a "delete" or "modify".

If you think about it, no action from a workstation should take down an array, regardless of you being the administrator or not.

A NAS should be fault tolerant enough to withstand heavy use, loss of connections or any type of scan you can throw at it. 


But thats my opinion and to answer your question, no I have never heard of any type of scan corrupting a NAS or breaking a RAID.


Have you checked for any firmware updates?




My question woulld be how tolerent of network interruptions is 360? I am under the impression that it is a home [read non-network] type product. If this were SSR and acting like this I'd suspect that there were problems.

Just my thoughts