SECURE VPN no longer can be Activated

Have tried the complete process provided, under support "Secure VPN has experienced a connection failure " for Windows. Uninstall & Reinstall WAN MiniPort Drivers, Check the Root Certification for Secure VPN, close all programs & restarted...still unable to Activate Secure VPN. Therefore, I followed another directive - Uninstalled Secure VPN & REINSTALLED Secure VPN by Download & Install.....Still, unable to Activate Secure VPN which tries to connect with the correct region: United States of America; so, there is no need to use any other regions. However, it immediately stop connecting with the message "your connection is unprotected." I've been with Norton for many years and I've never had any problem, until this issue with Secure VPN, which I've been using until a few days in  early March. The other problem experienced as a result is that it will lock up/loose the VPN, although internet is shown in full strength, causing me to Re-boot my Wi-fi Router.  This is frustrating!!!!

@Kimba Essence

First thing to remember here is that we are all just users like you, volunteering our time trying to help others from our knowledge of Norton products.  A Norton forum admin did post here.    The We are looking into it is all that a forum admin can do, as they pass the information along to the appropriate development team. The actual developers do not monitor or reply to forum threads. It is not their job. 

My reply to BravoStgc  was in reference to his mention of DNS settings and a computer or router's  MAC (Media Access Control ) address. Nothing to do with a Mac computer. I did my research, and VPN does not affect a devices MAC address. And the VPN does affect a Device's DNS settings as the VPN service's DNS settings over ride those on the local devices. Maybe I should have continued on that fact by noting that it could be the DNS servers used by Norton's VPN service that are dropping out and back in that might be causing the current internet loss. 


@BravoStgc - I know/knew exactly what you were trying to say, we all do, we're all experiencing across multiple devices and OS systems. I think he got a little confused about what you were trying to say - this megalithic widespread customer base issue is impacting all of us and absolutely no one from Norton has acknowledged it via email to their customers, a banner on their website, something, anything.

In the same regard, I don't see many to near any Administrators from the Community Forum actually "acknowledging" this issue, clearly stating that it's a Norton (it 100% is a Norton product issue) issue or assuring anyone that it's been given to upper-level management as well as the Programming Team, as Tech Support cannot help no matter how much they try. They aren't aware of it being a mega widespread issue, because Norton has reported it to them as such, they remote in and change a few things, remove then readd a few things (and are quite nice), but that doesn't fix anything - that's factual, I already tried. This is 100% a Program/Coding/Write Code/Read Code/Repair Code issue, something that Tech Support does not have the ability, knowledge or rights to do.

Nor is this isolated to only a few sites that won't allow VPN, most of us can't get to any sites at all - including multiple browser home pages, and on the split second that I was able to, and many others all over the forum as well, we're being cut off from countless, literally countless sites - so that's a poor excuse from a one-time response from an Admin in the Forum. What? Did every single browser known to man, bank, credit card company, social media site, game site, Amazon,, and the list literally goes on and on, suddenly block all VPN usage? I think not, unless a world wide meeting took place between all banks, credit card companies and online retail stores globally, to block VPN, and then each of them paid their programmers to do so. I'm being silly of course - sarcastically silly and kind of laughing though I'm very frustrated, and more and more each day.

Something either broke in their system's programming, or it simply went bad (without the programmers knowing it, because no one who's suppose to be monitoring and reporting widespread megalithic issues such as this in the Community Forum, is actually doing so, we've barely gotten any response from those individuals, or, on a funnier side - our paid for antivirus software, which includes the Secure VPN, got hacked. I doubt that, but stranger things have happened - heck the IRS, government emails and so many other things were hacked, Norton isn't above all of them right? I can easily see what MS and all owned browsers would want to block all VPN connections, because they're all following us around the Net and gathering all of our information and activity - so is it Big Tech that suddenly and globally blocked this VPN usage, or is it Norton? In either case, Norton is not acknowledging this to their paid user base, or at all, not explaining what's going on and not giving an ETA on a patch fix update. A VPN is an annoyance and block to Big Tech - so is it Big Tech or is it Norton Secure VPN, and in either case, Norton should be emailing all of their paid customers about it, there should be an known issue of it showing on their main page - and Forum Admins should be reporting it properly as a megalithic widespread customer base issue to the only departments that can resolve it and then update us here, which too is not being done. I mean it happened to all of us at the same exact time give or take a few days - and issues leading up to it began a month or 2 before, there's no way that Norton isn't aware of this, and if they aren't, then the Forum Admins aren't doing what they're here to do. Though I still put all responsibility on Norton itself.

In any case, I digress lol - I think he got a little confused about what you posted, as a Mac user, what you're experiencing is what we're all experiencing, laptops, computers and phones, I understood what you meant. 

P.S. To any Norton Forum Community Admins - care to jump in and add anything? We'd be humbly grateful. 

@peterweb this "known, mega and widespread issue" is impacted Windows users using Windows 7 - Windows 11, Mac users, and phone devices. It is stopping all connectivity to the Net, even though our ISP's are showing that we have full connectivity and allowing secure VPNs, including Norton, to be used. On the rare occasion that some can get their browser to actually connected (multiple browsers), it loses connection within seconds, a few minutes, though that's rare, it's more like seconds, and most can't even get that much. VPN 100% absolutely does mask our IP addresses, both in Windows and Mac, which is the only reason anyone is using VPN services of any kind. I mean this with a kind and friendly tone - and a little giggle and smile - "please check that fact" hehe. 

I can see your DNS being affected by the VPN as with the VPN active you are actually using the VPN service's DNS servers. Any personally chosen DNS settings for your devices or network are overridden when VPN in use. 

A VPN does not affect your MAC address. You can search on this fact for confirmation.


Thanks! Discovered a glaring problem with Norton’s recent VPN since activated; somehow it messes with my Router’s MAC address & DNS availability, interrupting an ability to use your WiFi internet connection accordingly. I’ve been with Norton for years; however, I’ve never had this or any problem like this. So, I have activated THE KILL SWITCH. I don’t need this - if Norton doesn’t get their acts together, I will have to make a critical decision, in situtions of this nature. Thanks for the communications.

@BravoStgc, my auto connect is always off and just checked, remains that way.

Did you activate the Auto-connect switch?

@BravoStgc - my kill switch is always off and the issue of either not being able to turn it off (vpn) or turn it on (vpn), prior of course to this mega inability to the VPN widespread issue, if I was online too long or multitasking too long, it always disabled in one of the positions, and with the kill switch off - so unfortunately this is not a solution for me, though thanks so very much for anyone it might help.

Good-day Kimba, I just posted a solution to the VPN problem which I discovered this morning. It's posted as a reply to my posted problem

Use this Solution!! Have a great day!

To correct this VPN Activation problem.....there is arrow (upside down ^) beside the button: Click on it and go to Settings.....Remove the "Kill Switch" which is in the "on/activated" position, then activate the "Auto-Connect" switch. You will be able to use either the "Turn On" or "Turn Off" switch as you desire.

@Kimba Essence I received your response to the problem with regards to VPN Security, and I do appreciate your concern, along with the clear and precise procedures provided. On my main PCs… both operating with Windows 10 because they are not able to transform to Windows 11, as per PC Health Check Diagnostics. Nevertheless, HP has declared my 5-year-old towers obsolete, based on a notice from them (that they will not stock parts for them & they will not do any further updates). This is fleecing customers, wanting customers to purchase new PCs. In any case both these PCs…Norton 360 activation of the VPN works OK. However, I have two HP Spectre x360 Convertible 15t Laptops, which I’ve upgraded Windows 11 Pro Ver. 21H2, in Nov. 2020. Therefore, what you clearly described, concerning VPN Security Activation, has undoubtedly been occurring for the past 2 weeks; I agree that much more Norton 360 customers will be experiencing identical fault/problem.

I’m familiar with accessing and using the Task Manager. Follow your directives because I am familiar with having to frequently correct PC problems, which is time consuming. So, I opened my Windows Edge Browser & cleared all my history, Cache & cookies; also, I opened Google Chrome Browser & performed the exact operations, then I opened Task Manager & highlighted each Browsers & end tasks. Restarted the Laptop, then I opened My Norton and tried activating their VPN Security, but it’s still not holding. The only reason I use VPN Security is to mask my detection, but I guess I will have to learn to live without it, considering that I turn-off my location detection, unless purposely having to do with a personal business.

Remembered going to ATA Football online, to which I subscribe, and single particular time I was unable to stream my soccer match, and the technical personnel asked if I have a VPN Security engaged, so, I had to turn it off, to effectively stream and watch the live game.

Your effort, time & concern in assisting other members, within the community, experiencing similar problems is fantastic & appreciated, because Norton’s Technical personnel isn’t practically assisting to resolve the problem with their program.


Stay safe!


Kimba Essence, 

I received your response to the problem with regards to VPN Security, and I do appreciate your concern, along with the clear and precise procedures provided. On my main PCs... both operating with Windows 10 because they are not able to transform to Windows 11, as per PC Health Check Diagnostics. Nevertheless, HP has declared my 5-year-old towers obsolete, based on a notice from them (that they will not stock parts for them & they will not do any further updates). This is fleecing customers, wanting customers to purchase new PCs. In any case both these PCs..Norton 360 activation of the VPN works OK. However, I have two HP Spectre x360 Convertible 15t Laptops, which I've upgraded Windows 11 Pro Ver. 21H2, in Nov. 2020. Therefore, what you clearly described, concerning VPN Security Activation, has undoubtedly been occurring for the past 2 weeks; I agree that much more Norton 360 customers will be experiencing identical fault/problem.

I'm familiar with accessing and using the Task Manager. Follow your directives because I am familiar with having to frequently correct PC problems, which is time consuming. So, I opened my Windows Edge Browser & cleared all my history, Cache & cookies; also, I opened Google Chrome Browser & performed the exact operations, then I opened Task Manager & highlighted each Browsers & end tasks. Restarted the Laptop, then I opened My Norton and tried activating their VPN Security, but it's still not holding. The only reason I use VPN Security is to mask my detection, but I guess I will have to learn to live without it, considering that I turn-off my location detection, unless purposely having to do with a personal business.

Remembered going to ATA Football online, to which I subscribe, and single particular time I was unable to stream my soccer match, and the technical personnel asked if I have a VPN Security engaged, so, I had to turn it off, to effectively stream and watch the live game. 

Your effort, time & concern in assisting other members, within the community, experiencing similar problems is fantastic & appreciated, because Norton's Technical personnel isn't practically assisting to resolve the problem with their program.


Stay safe!


@BravoStgc - are you using the stand only VPN or the Secure VPN that's part of the Norton 360 package? I'm asking because I use the Norton 360 product, which comes with Secure VPN and any time that happened to me (couldn't enable it), all I had to do was empty my browser cache, close my browser, open task manager (I do this anyway, I don't like that Microsoft Edge remains open in countless instances even after you've emptied your temp files and closed it), then restarted my computer and voila, I'd open my Norton 360 and my ability enable it was back. I'm not sure what browser you're using, Mac or Windows, or if you're familiar with emptying temp/cache FULLY and not just partially, which can be set through your browsers settings, or if you're familiar with Task Manager, and I wouldn't mess around in there if you aren't, you don't want to be shutting crucial operating system files or programs, or other things like printer, cloud if you use it, or anything else you need. And, I'm not asking, because I'm not an Advisor for Norton and don't want to lead you in the wrong direction, it was more of a curious question as to why Tech Support had you do all of that, when there was a far simpler fix. That actually happens to be rather often if I've been online and/or done a LOT online all day or night, and what I explained I do to fix it has always worked. That being said, at this very moment in time, you shouldn't be too concerned about it not being enabled, because almost all Norton 360 customers are experiencing inability to use Norton Secure VPN across Mac, Windows and phones. It turns on, but it disables your connectivity, or you can connect, but then in the midst of something moments later it disconnects you again. What I mean by can't connect is that your ISP and wifi is connected and working fine, but with the VPN turned on it's blocking any connection you have to the Net at all. That's the mega wide spread issue happening in this current moment beginning a week or 2 ago, with a secondary issue reported and consistent from users who aren't experiencing that (yet, I have a feeling it's going to happen to everyone), but who are being blocked from nearly every site they ever use or was using with VPN turned on out of left field. Long story short, everyone with Norton 360 Secure VPN has had to shut their VPN off in order to get online and do whatever it is they want or need to do. There's huge problems going on.

I found tech support to be rather unhelpful. Very friendly and knowledgeable around a computer for sure, but literally having no idea what's really going on with this mega widespread issue, or the other issues everyone's having with the VPN, and I'll fill you in on a little secret I know from being in tech support decades ago, and this goes for me back then as well. Tech Support people can sometimes have trouble seeing the forest from the trees. Meaning, they immediately (and usually always go to "uninstall reinstall") go to a hardcore tech fix - try this, then this, do this, then that, when really, minimally half of the time it's nothing more than clearing your browser's temp files, making sure your browser didn't stay open after you closed it, which if you use Windows... MS loves to do, then restarting your computer. With the mega widespread issue at hand, your inability to enable your VPN isn't something to stress over too much (I mean you no disregard at all, I mean it very kindly), because even if you could, it's not working and Norton has yet to own and acknowledge the issue. Something fishy is going on with the Secure VPN. I don't know what, I don't know where it's stemming from, but I spent an entire day reading on Norton and off Norton forums, literally ALL day, and with what I found my gut instinct is telling me that something isn't right, something larger than we know. 

Keep your eye out in the forums for secure VPN threads (go to the Norton Community, then the search bar, and type Secure VPN). At that point all threads started about the VPN will show in a list and you'll be able to see how many issues there are, most of which a huge amount, widespread customer base is experiencing exactly the same way, for the same time frame. It's a good way for you to stay up to date on what's happening with that, because until they resolve that, whether or not you can enable it won't matter sadly. :-(

Frustrating I know, trust me, I am not doing Norton's job for them again as I did today, early morning, mid morning, afternoon, later afternoon and now near dinner time, reading on Norton and off Norton forums, 100's of threads and the replies and posts within them, as well as responding to them. I did it with purpose though. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. So many, too many, threads were open in the Norton forums and off Norton forums and the issue wasn't being addressed. I knew the only way to get all those voices, all those people, all of those paying customers, all of those lives heard... was for me to do what I did, get into as many threads as I could, respond, create me own thread and push this issue louder and harder. However, I now can't move LOL (no joke), going to give my 3 furbabies their evening treats, and lay here like a lob for the rest of the night lol. 

Best of luck hon, sending blessings to you and everyone else, myself included regarding this VPN issue, it's pretty important to most of us.

Be well.