Secure VPN no longer Connecting (Windows 10)

For about a week our Secure VPN hasn't been working on our laptop (Windows 10). I uninstalled and reinstalled Norton, and still get the same issue.

I rebooted the laptop, still doesn't connect to VPN successfully.

I attempted different VPN regions, still can't connect.

How can I fix it? Could there be a virus preventing it from connecting, even with Norton downloaded on our device and being used for over a year with no problems? 



Glad to hear it worked!


I was traveling for a few days so I'm catching up on messages. 


Once I removed them, I was able to reconnect successfully to the VPN. When I went back later to Device Manager > Network Adapters, the three WAN Miniport drivers were indeed added back without me doing anything else.

Thank you all for your help!

Any progress?

You need to remove those three and then scan, they will pop up again

Check if VPN works

Thank you. I started following the second option by removing the drivers


  • WAN Miniport drivers (IKEv2) 

  • WAN Miniport drivers (IP)

  • WAN Miniport drivers (IPv6)

but under Network Adapter, when I scanned for Software Changes, I didn't notice anything new came up or any on screen instructions. Guess I created another issue.

For me option two from BJM_'s solution usually works, re-install WAN miniports, easy fast fix.

fwiw ~
Message: "Connection Error: Secure VPN has experienced a connection failure. Please try again later."