Most people read about these breaches long before we see these annoying sell-up scare messages.
Most of us already monitor our private information accordingly, yet, the very companies who are responsible have the backbone to try selling us credit monitoring services to rectify their lack of good business practices. We see this weekly. The forums are chocked full of customers complaining of these ads and they have been doing so a very long time. Norton websites already have these services shown as available, with ample layman level explanations about what those services provide. I'm just adding to the mix that seeing this on each and every machine I have Norton installed on, as well as others that are covered under my subscription, is one serious PITA nuisance. Its past time to listen to the audience being serviced and respect same. My machines are NOT a free marketing avenue, EULA or no.
Added note: PLEASE fix what is known to be broken. Customer retention will go through the roof again.
The offer, clicking See Offer: