Services.e​xe infected with trojan.pat​chep!sys



I installed Norton Internet Security. I use Windows 7 Proffesional (64 bit version, with latest updates).


After scan, it made following information:


Full Path: c:\windows\system32\services.exe Threat: Trojan.Patchep!sys ____________________________ ____________________________ On computers as of 2012-07-08 at 17:54:36 Last Used 2012-07-24 at 22:13:47 Startup Item No Launched No ____________________________ ____________________________ Many Users Thousands of users in the Norton Community have used this file. ____________________________ Mature This file was released  2 months ago. ____________________________ High This file risk is high. ____________________________ Threat Details Threat type: Virus. Programs that infect other programs, files, or areas of a computer by inserting themselves or attaching themselves to that medium. ____________________________

Source File: services.exe ____________________________ File Actions Infected file: c:\windows\system32\services.exe Manual removal required ____________________________ File Thumbprint - SHA: e647717985bf0a1c6b3e2464d4f95d2efe3b77801c43246bde45eae908b940b8 ____________________________ File Thumbprint - MD5: 014a9cb92514e27c0107614df764bc06 ____________________________


Could anyone agree to help to remove it?


Also how this virus gets in to computer. I always very carefull during browsing and etc. :/. Is this somekind new "breed" of virus, which overcomes/avoids even such virus scanners as Norton :(