Should I migrate to Internet Security 2009

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.

My take on this (and I am happy to be corrected) is that 360 includes all the maintenance tools e.g. defrag, registry scan, files clean-up and much more (similar to Norton Tools) as well a phishing protection etc and more. I guess the "360" alludes to a complete all round AV, Internet, Email and maintenance - 360 degree programme.

I migrated from Internet Security 2008 to 360 and in some ways regret the move. IS2008 seemed to have less of a footprint which after previous Norton AV attempts was fantastic. 

I have no gripes other than a small bug with the intrusion protection feature of 360 it does as you say a "set it and forget it" role which has been quiet impressive. I am overall pleased with the change from IS2008 and have 11 month's subscription to go so will happily stay with it.

Hi hmgreen


N360 was designed to be a more "hands off, set and forget" product, which is great for many users, however for users who require a product that can be customized more for their own requirements, as well as those who require or like more information on such things as firewall and security logs, NIS09 would seem the better option. As far as performance goes, both are excellent, however NIS09 has many innovative and new features which make it a top line product. 


I suggest you trial NIS09 and have a good look at the features before making up your mind. You can get a fifteen day trial from here.


As far as N360 Premium goes, the only difference is that it offers more space in offline storage, something you normally have to pay for separately.


I would recommend N.I.S. 2009 as it is super-light on the system and has lots more security features and Updates, e.g. Streaming Virus Definitions every five minutes on average than Norton 360.  If you can, I would hold-off Buying/Installing for a few weeks as users have been having problems.


If you want to use a SystemWorks as well as N.I.S. 2009, then I would recommend Basic Edition, although, please wait for the 2009 Version of this as there have been a few problems with SystemWorks and N.I.S. 2009.

Message Edited by Floating_Red on 09-13-2008 02:09 PM

Again, I would not recommend holding off on getting NIS 2009. System security is important, and I would encourage you to get the latest version of Norton Internet Security.

Since Ihave 360 for another 4 months and it updates automatically what would be the benefit of moving to NIS 2009 now vs. Waiting a bit?

Thanks to everyone for your help and input!

hmgreen wrote:
Since Ihave 360 for another 4 months and it updates automatically what would be the benefit of moving to NIS 2009 now vs. Waiting a bit?

Thanks to everyone for your help and input!


Better Protection quicker!  Also, you will notice how light it is on the system.  If you install now and find that there is a bug, chances are that bug will be Fixed by then, but, then again, you may not have a N.I.S. 2009 bug.  I would recommend installing a.s.a.p., but, again, it is up to yourself.  :)

N360 will continue to adequately protect you until your subscription runs out, and unless you have a specific need, I would wait until the subscription runs out for your N360, then go ahead and purchase NIS09.


Hope this helps!

Just curious - what were the problems encountered by users between NIS2009 and Systemworks?  Couldn't find anything on the forum....


hmgreen wrote:

Just curious - what were the problems encountered by users between NIS2009 and Systemworks?  Couldn't find anything on the forum....


I haven't heard of any, maybe Floating_Red can shed some light on this as he was the one who mentioned it.

hmgreen wrote:

Just curious - what were the problems encountered by users between NIS2009 and Systemworks?  Couldn't find anything on the forum....





When some/all - only had one or two users report this - users of Norton SystemWorks installed N.I.S. 2009, N.SW. Norton Protection Center pop-ups/stated said that no Anti-Virus Software - and therefore were "At Risk" - was installed and Windows' Firewall was turned on automatically.

Well, make that 3.  I purchased and installed both products last night!  NIS says all is well and I am protected. NSW's Protection Center tells me that I have no virus protection,   no spyware protection, and that Windows Firewall is turned off (well, it is - I have Norton IS 2009 on!).  So I am assuming the NSW package is blissfully uinaware and disconnected from NIS 2009.


Anyone know when this will be fixed?



hmgreen wrote:

Well, make that 3.  I purchased and installed both products last night!  NIS says all is well and I am protected. NSW's Protection Center tells me that I have no virus protection,   no spyware protection, and that Windows Firewall is turned off (well, it is - I have Norton IS 2009 on!).  So I am assuming the NSW package is blissfully uinaware and disconnected from NIS 2009.


Anyone know when this will be fixed?




symantec may do one of two things or both of the following: Provide a Fix for all N.SW. users, or, just Fix this issue in the N.SW. 2009 and onwards.

Since I just bought NSW I hope they grandfather everyone who bought recently into the fold with the correction/upgrade… since they’re website recommends purchasing NSW when you put NIS2009 into your basket… :smileywink:

I’ll tag this for the moderators, it sounds like it could be a bug.

Has anyone heard back on whether this will be submitted for bug investigation/resolution?  Thanks!

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hmgreen wrote:
Has anyone heard back on whether this will be submitted for bug investigation/resolution?  Thanks!


Why not Private Message one of the symantec Employees as there are currently lots of them on.

Floating_Red wrote:
Why not Private Message one of the symantec Employees as there are currently lots of them on.

The Private Message system is designed to communicate sensitive information (upload info, contact info, log info, etc) that would not be safe to post publicly to the forums. I would advise against sending Private Messages to Symantec Employees unless explicitly requested. Please do NOT send a PM to an employee to "bump" a thread. This will not get the issue answered any quicker than posting more information to the forums.



We're working on a fix for NSW falsely reporting that there isn't any firewall/antivirus protection when you have NIS 2009 installed, and will have the fix deployed as soon as possible.


Please keep this thread on topic with the original post and discuss issues with other software in their appropriate forum.


Thanks for your patience!