In the process of dealing with all the firewall issues caused by the n360 Vers update, I have come across some more issues.
The following programs cannot be given access: SkyDrive.exe, Spoolsv.exe, dasHost.exe, and wsqmcons.exe
Norton's browser as in "Firewall->Program Control->Add" does not display them at all, even though they are not protected from access see the attached pdfs.
All four of these programs are in the "C:\Windows\System32" folder and not protected from read access and are not hidden systems files.
For example:
C:\WINDOWS\system32>cacls SkyDrive.exe
NT SERVICE\TrustedInstaller:F
C:\WINDOWS\system32>attrib SkyDrive.exe
A C:\WINDOWS\system32\SkyDrive.exe
As suggested in my first post "livecom.exe blocked cannot unblock n360 Vers update": 'An Action needs to be added to the "Security History" panel to provide a simple way to unblock an entry, so when this happens on the next update there is a simple work around.'
Alert entries: Category Firewall - Activities
Activity: Info, You blocked OneDrive Sync Engine from accessing your network resources
Program Path: C:\Windows\System32\SkyDrive.exe
Local Computer:, 56612
Traffic Description: Outbound TCP, https
Activity: Info, You blocked Spooler SubSystem App from accessing your network resources
Program Path: C:\Windows\System32\Spoolsv.exe
Traffic Description: Outbound TCP, Port 3911
Activity: Info You blocked Device Association Framework Provider Host from accessing your network resources
Program Path: C:\Windows\System32\dasHost.exe
Local Computer:, 57279
Traffic Description: Outbound TCP, Port 3910
Activity: Info, You blocked Windows SQM Consolidator from accessing your network resources
Program Path: C:\Windows\System32\wsqmcons.exe
Local Computer:, 57205
Traffic Description: Outbound TCP, https
This is on a Windows 8 system.
None of these programs should have been blocked, they are all standard systems programs from Microsoft. If there are issues fine, but explain why they are blocked.
I have given up contacting support for each one of these, since I donot have the time wait in the queues for 20 minutes or more at a time.