I’ve been reading user messages regarding SMB:BruteForce.
- Constant SMB:BruteForce attacks
- Incoming connection blocked. This is one of my workstations
- SMB:BruteForce - #5 by SoulAsylum
- Norton blocks file sharing due to samba smb but smb is disabled
- Repeated alerts titled as "Incoming connection blocked, SMB:BruteForce"
- V24 update killed File and Printer Sharing across my network
- Block all incoming traffic except for specific mac addresses and IP
- https://community.norton.com/t/repeated-alerts-titled-as-incoming-connection-blocked-smb-bruteforce/358968
What is a brute force attack? [here]
fwiw ~ this process [here] works for me to reach:
Norton support via Social Support | Chat | Phone [here]