Hi Everyone
Missed this thread and just had a chance to sit down and catch up with the new posts.
From what i see i think it is very interesting that we are heading down the same path
with with our ideas for NAT and extra computer protection, and they do say that smart
minds think alike.
My idea is for a login based system for NAT enabled computers (Desktops,
Laptops and Netbooks) which would use a similar security login page like that
that windows uses when turning on the computer or waking the computer if set
for password input on return.
Here is my post from the Product Suggestions Forum from a few days ago for more info-
And i noticed that a password is a suggestion Andmike made in this thread as well
so i thinik we are all on the same track to possibly improving Norton Anti-Theft for
computer use in the future if Symantec agrees that the ideas are of use to the
developers in the Norton Team.
The login page to me seems like the best personal security method because it will
always be active prompting for passwords as long as the settings require that on
startup, and waking from sleep mode and hybernation.
And my favourite thing about the suggestions i made is if the computer is on the internet
and locked down for incorrect password it would start tracking the device and perhaps
taking some happy snaps of the person trying to use the computer and sending out
a notification SMS to a preset mobile number.
And Andmikes idea of just remote locking the computer too is a very good way of
securing the computer when you are not there possibly for long periods of time.
And the last thing i would note is that the criminals normally are not the smartest
type of person. So if there were a prompt when the login screen shows to say
something like-
if you have forgotten your password click here when you have a Internet Connection
and we will send you a new one .
Now that has to work 9 times out of 10, and of course the button would do nothing
except once again take a happy snap or 2 and report your device as stolen and maybe
lock the computer in a stealth mode without changing the screens image to make the
theif think the new password is still on the way.
But still giving the owner the opportunity to unlock the computer by entering the
password into the correct location.
Might work who knows.
And on a final note that there is just one real issue , and that is i have to get my hands on
NAT and give it a try myself. Feels a little strange coming up with all these ideas even before
i have the product to play with.
Just going to have to wait.
Cheers.:) :) :) :)