Software getting deletes by Norton Antivirus

I work for a company that developed a software that encapsulate .exe from some softwares to show up advertisement. We use a technic that looks like self-extract zip files.


Our program encapsulate the executable.exe from our "target", and put itself on its header, when it executes, it extract the executable and run it and monitor when the process is finished. When it finish, it call our software and shows up a banner/propaganda.


Our users have the opt-out oprions and agrees to use those softwares with ours. Its like -> you use our software for free and you will someones see a propaganda when you exit our app, and only when you exit. No information is shared about the user, the info we use is only to aim the propaganda that cames from the registration and not from the client computer itself.


We use this software in like 10 different online games that are free to play, but norton is deleting the games client.exe that has our solution on it. I cant white list every client.exe for every game and every game update. What should i do?


Any help will be welcome, thank you.

Carlos Eduardo Nobrega

Hoplon Infotainment


can you please tell us the exact version of your Norton product?
1. Open the main window
2. Click on Help & Support -> About menu
3. On the About window find the version number (it will look like this:


Also it would be a good option for you and your company to contact Symantec to whitelist your product:



I sended the product to their white list form. But i wonder if thats the way ill be able to use all products, with mine. Just like a anti-cheat program that acts like a spyware to make sure players are not cheating does, how a anti-virus put them as not a virus? My program is deleted, without user prompt question! Thats the main problem. If at least it would ask for an action under normal settings.