hi, I am not new to computers or internet etc. but as far as spam goes i really dont know a lot. So i have spent some breif time trying to leatn about spam and all the forms and methods etc used to spam people.
I recently discovered that emails with blank pages acctually contain HTML info with links and codes and stuff. OK, so these look like mumbo jumbo like "corn/superjohn/poop/volume/delicious/goingtothestore/" i made this up. Any way all this words with no real meaning. I searched for some of the words and came up with some brief lists that contain examples of spam that also have the spam words i received.
in other words the email i got, others got too- but with 1 DIFFERENCE, the reported isp and senders and subjects etc. are all different. So i tried to look up some of the spam i got by the to or from or subject or isp etc. not very useful.
My question is there a way to look up the spam by the mumbo jumbo of words? and in a large list?
not sure if that is the easyiest way to check up spam. but the isp lookup or other stuff didn't seem to help alot.
thanks in advance