Sources folders in Backup



I'm wondering where there is simple My Documents source in Norton 360 v6.2 backup, when I'm using Windows 7 and there are 5 Libraries: Documents, Music, Pictures, Videos and additional library - Podcasts. So it is not clear from which real sources files will bacuped, I need to check it by clicking "Add or exclude files and folders" link

1. Why do you use the "old" XP scheme of file destination? Do you plan to expand the list of Sources to be correspondent with Vista/7 customer? Should not it be flexible to respond to customer's OS?

2. Why do you use "Add or exclude files and folders" at right field when it is connected with left one? 

3. Why do you operate with File types? It is clear that the customer should operate with file categories, not with folders. As for me I prefer to store my files (I do not mind about their types) in one folder I want to backup quickly.






Hi Petr,


Norton backup is designed to backup files not based on the folders but based on the type of the files. Norton backup can backup of a picture file once checked on the right from My documents. It doesn't matter if it is in pictures, Videos, Music or even podcasts for that case. The add or exclude files from backup is a advantage. It is to add a specific folder to the list to backup list if it is available in a totally different location like in C: or in a network location.


1) Norton backup is not using the Win Xp Scheme. It uses the backup set that can work with Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7.

2) Add or exclude is not related to the left or the right pane it is totally a different option.

3) The term file type is basically categories. When you select Pictures it will automatically adds .jpg, .bmp, .png and other picture file types. So it is basically File Category.


Please let us know if there is anyother issues.



Excuse me for finding fault with current Backup scheme. I still do not understand why "My documents" is presented when I have "Libraries" there.


I also has the question but in other topic:



Hi Petr,


The My Documents is just a term which makes it easier for the users (Techy or Novice) to understand what kind of files will be backed up. It has noting to do with the Windows XP or the Windows 7.


I also see that the other question has ben answered already.


Please let us know if you have any other issues