Stop the constant notifications

I am so tired of the constant pop-up notifications by Norton. I do select "Don't show me again" and I still get the same notifications over and over.  They also have increased recently to several pop-ups a day. Please give us an option to turn this off!! I am seriously considering cancelling my subscription over this!


I contacted Norton Support and was told there was no way to turn off the process that places a shortcut on the Windows desktop when Norton pushes an update.

I read the thread and will try moving the desktop to the Recycle Bin, if this works it will reduce the number of times I have to delete the shortcut following push updates.


Annoying features are really product bugs:

Another problem is Norton adding a desktop shortcut every time the product upgrades. Norton automatically comes up at start up. Why does it need a shortcut on the desktop? 

I don't have a problem with Norton desktop shortcut. 
So, I was curious...what you've tried. 

I agree that this is a problem. Norton self-promotion level is way too high and annoyingly persistent.

I've been trying to prevent Norton from using my screen as their advertising white board for years. I turned OFF the Special Offer Notifications a year ago and product notices still keep coming to the lower right hand screen. Even after turning off the notice in the pop up. 

I'm on a chat session with support today and now they say to remove, download and reinstall the product. Turning off Special Offers is a simple administrative choice. Why should I have to delete, download and reinstall the product get an admin setting to work?  I have several systems that use Norton. Am I to delete, download and reinstall on all these systems to keep Norton advertising at bay?

Another problem is Norton adding a desktop shortcut every time the product upgrades. Norton automatically comes up at start up. Why does it need a shortcut on the desktop? Increase top of mind awareness? It does, but not in a good way.

In protest to Norton's self-promotion, I subscribed to Avast anti-tracker, even though Norton has a similar product. This sense of entitlement to my screen and attention exist to generate revenue. Norton needs to understand that violating the 'no ad zone' has revenue consequences. 

Curious, do you have Special Offer Notifications On or Off?