Strange pop-up appears on Desktop

I'm backkkk. This time I get an occasional Norton Pop-up at the upper-right corner of the Desktop.


I have Win8.1. N360 is current.  Here's a picture of the pop-up:


N360 Pop-up Message


I click but nothing noticable happens.  All N360 scans completed.  Anyone know?


As always, TIAFlag

Hi, Rusty. Maybe you have Notifications turned on for Norton special offers. I have it turned off.


The Special Offer Notification option lets you receive special offers on the latest Norton products, add-ons, and other useful information from Symantec.


When this option is turned on, Norton Internet Security notifies you about the Norton special offers and other updates from Symantec.


By default, the Special Offer Notification option is turned on. If you do not want Norton Internet Security to alert you with Norton special offers, you can turn off this option.


It's in Settings/General/Other Settings. Set to off, if you don't wish to be notified.



Thanks, @F4E.  I found the setting. :heart:

Hi, RustyHightower.


Turning off Norton Notifications for special offers, as suggested by F4E, will usually do the trick.  But I say usually, since it didn't work for at least one person (see Link 1).



In the end, they conclude that the root cause of this notication pop-up problem may be due to this person using Microsoft's (Win 8/8.1) local account as opposed to its cloud account (see Link 2).  So what I'm trying to say is that if this problem persists, don't freak out. :smileywink:  Unfortunately, it may not get fixed any time soon. :smileyfrustrated:

Thanks for your fine suggestions!

Inquirer wrote:

Hi, RustyHightower.


Turning off Norton Notifications for special offers, as suggested by F4E, will usually do the trick.  But I say usually, since it didn't work for at least one person (see Link 1).



In the end, they conclude that the root cause of this notication pop-up problem may be due to this person using Microsoft's (Win 8/8.1) local account as opposed to its cloud account (see Link 2).  So what I'm trying to say is that if this problem persists, don't freak out. :smileywink:  Unfortunately, it may not get fixed any time soon. :smileyfrustrated:

I think what is happening between the 2 log ins is that Norton is seeing 2 separate user accounts, and you may need to go into the settings from each account to turn off the notifications.


Maybe someone with Win 8 can test this for us?




Hi @peterweb  I have MS Onedrive cloud account exclusively and Identity Safe online.  (Only because I can't figure out to set it to local.)


I took the prior suggestion and turned off "advertizing".  I haven't seen one pop-up since.

Off topic: while I'm here is there a way to get N360 to back-up to a local network drive?  It doesn't appear as an option.


As always, TIA