Suggesting for a new GUI for N360 v21

A darker GUI for N360v21.


This looks too light coloured and ugly.


N360v21 GUI.PNG


Thanks for considering.

Krusty13 wrote:

A darker GUI for N360v21.


This looks too light coloured and ugly.


N360v21 GUI.PNG


Thanks for considering.

Thanks for that image Dave.  I have seen folks complaining about it, but the closest I have to N 360 is Comcast NSS and it is still on and hasn't changed to that god awful, non contrast, hard on the eyes looking garbage yet and I hope it don't change.  It is almost as bad as the butcher job that has happened with the ID Safe Vault and the lack of user freindly locations for options.


Oh BTW - I do support the color and contrast change if you haven;'t figured that out yet!  :smileywink:

Hi Yank,


Maybe I should of started a new thread for better exposure instead of tacking on to this one?

I agree - this GUI is quite ugly (as is the Norton drop down bar for selecting logons) - it is hard to read, as grey text on a white background does not actually show up very well on many screens / lights - plus it doesn't tie in with the rest of the product - when I click on Tasks for example, the header bar is black with white text....


n360 - header GUI.jpg

Krusty13 wrote:

Hi Yank,


Maybe I should of started a new thread for better exposure instead of tacking on to this one?

Thanks Mohan for moving this to it's own thread!



Thnaks for the screenshot:


I have to think of WYSIWYG - and whoever developed the graphics did not get what they saw!


That is horrible!



I am no graphics designer (as anyone who sees my websites will soon realise) - but even I can see that there is no cohesion between the various graphics used for:


a) Nortron 360 main screen

b) Tasks screen

c) Norton Taskbar

d) Drop down for ID Safe login


The ID safe login drop down uses the full width of the browser and a deep panel, which is a real pain on small screens, or where you need to see the full screen of the website...  Most of it is just blank space - there seems no reason why it couldn't be integrated within the Norton Taskbar itself.


The Norton Taskbar is also too deep and I doubt many people would want the Share option on there - what's that got to do with security?


This is what it looks like on Firefox...


n360 - idsafe-login.jpg



I do not use 360, but I too have seen the comments in the forums.


I agree that the GUI appears all washed out and hard to read. Maybe there could be some way to add a variety of background themes.




yank wrote:

Krusty13 wrote:

Hi Yank,


Maybe I should of started a new thread for better exposure instead of tacking on to this one?

Thanks Mohan for moving this to it's own thread!

Yes, thanks for moving this Mohan.  :smileyhappy:

I've just found this image of the GUI on the

Norton 360™

Download 30-day free trial site



N360 GUI


My question to Symantec is, why can't MY GUI look like that instead of the bland, washout looking GUI I've posted above?

... Another example  -  Can the developers see what I mean here?


James Moffet.PNG


New Nissan Hornet.PNG


What looks better???

Maybe marketing decided to go for the "bold new look of insignificant dullness" ... Or perhaps this "diaphanous interface" is the result of far too much time spent in a mindless fog by the UI design team?  :smileyvery-happy:



Maybe trying a pro color calibrator for your pc's?? LOL!

I agree that the colors are washed-out but a good color calibration, NOT the Windows native of course, should help.

A bit of  color & Gamma correction too for your monitors.

If you are having Nvidia GPU's and using the Nvidia settings for adjusting your monitor's brightness, PM me and I will provide some color profiles.


Best regards,

Hi Apostolos,


I have Radeon graphics, but I not going to adjust my settings to correct a Norton issue.  All other versions have displayed fine, it's just the new v21 that is washed out and very plain looking.

Hi Krusty13,


Ok, no problem.



Surely that depends on the menu you are looking at :smileyfrustrated: as some of the menus are still using the old (better) GUI...

Let's face it - whatever the users say on here, Norton will not listen and just go their own way - after all having spent $1000s on a new fancy GUI which someone (a 15 year old ?) thinks looks modern and fancy, they are not going to throw it all out of the window just because users can't read the menus any longer....


Mind you - I can't comment any more - I gave up on Norton in December and moved onto another product....



To be honest, I do not pay much attention to the GUI of Norton, as long as the product does it's job, I'm fine with this.

(And as long as my eyes do not suffer when reading the menus).

After all, it's an AV product released for a limited period of time, 1 year, it's not PS Illustrator or Photoshop or something similar where I would expect a fantastic interface etc...

Just an opinion.


Best regards,


True - but then it is not the main user interface which annoyed me so much - but the ID safe toolbar which is several sizes too big - especially if you have a laptop, or a popup fixed size window when using a website !!

" but the ID safe toolbar which is several sizes too big"


I have a fix for this, which I always apply to my systems, I do not use the NTB or any of the features, same thing for Identity Safe, always disabled in NIS GUI. Same also for Norton Safe Search.

Hope this helps,



Yeah - but then I like having an ID safe type tool to auto-complete my login details for a lot of sites (as I am a member of several forums for example) - sounds too much like a 'Norton answer' that - if the look and operation of a feature is no good for you, then just disable it (ie. don't use the feature...)

Not really an answer is it...


Reminds me of a certain company who wrote a good word processor some years ago - I reported to them that if I did X, Y and then Z on any open document, it would blue screen the PC and I would lose the morning's work (including the auto-saved files) - their answer 'That is not how the manual tells you to do it' !! - of course, the manual is not supplied with the software, you had to pay another £75 for a manual....