Why in the right mind would Norton choose ETH to mine?
It's gonna burn out every ones GPU. You don't gain any $ off a regular computer & by the time you get anything worth anything, it's only worth paying off 1 Ethereum gas fee. Seriously, Norton crypto is garbage for choosing ETH. I won't use it & burn out my GPU.
Norton should choose a CPU coin like Monero. It's privacy focused, just like the ideology of Norton at it's core. I just don't understand why in the hell Norton team chose ETH. Really makes me know that their team didn't really think very hard about it. They just chose what was easy for them.
Please choose something better. Please choose something that if we run it the whole year on regular use of our computer that it can pay a portion of our subscription. Please let us mine it & have the option to pay a portion of our subscription of Norton. Seriously think hard about this.
Just get rid of ETH. It's going 2.0 within the next 0-10 years. Who knows, ETH had a lot of false promises about 2.0