Is there a way to turn off this particular notification? They come a lot, and last for a while after each new release of Firefox rolls around.
Is there a way to turn off this particular notification? They come a lot, and last for a while after each new release of Firefox rolls around.
Yeah, I know. I’m wondering if I can turn off the notifications, so that I only get alerts to blocked site visits? I keep FF up to date, and that means I get a lot of annoying emails about browser plugins. I have read and understand the implications, so now I’d like to not be pestered by the messages.
While we are working on the issue, if you use Internet Explorer as your browser, you wouldn't get the alert message.
I don't think you can turn off the option, but I'll double check with the team to see if you can get around of this.
I created a gmail filter that routes these messages into the trash.
Thanks for the update.