Suspend NIS

How can I suspend use of NIS for short period to test issue with MS Access Runtime not working correctly on my Windows 8 machine.  Application works OK on other Win8 PC's.  I can disconnect from Internet at same time to reduce risks.

How can I suspend use of NIS for short period to test issue with MS Access Runtime not working correctly on my Windows 8 machine.  Application works OK on other Win8 PC's.  I can disconnect from Internet at same time to reduce risks.

Thanks for prompt reply.  Will try disconnect from Internet and disable the two functions as you suggest.


Access 2007 Runtime issue does not involve an error code.  Application opens OK and I can navigate between 5 tabs which exist on Main Menu form.  For each tab there are 1 to 4 buttons which should open specific functions.  When clicked (or touched) buttons highlight and box with info describing function is displayed BUT function itself does not open.

It appears others have had this problem. Maybe this link will help.