svchost / 100% CPU usage problems on start-up

Hello, Community.


There have been several threads about this. I posted on one that it seemed that my updated NIS was causing the problem. Norton's Help Team advised me to re-install; I did but I still have the problem.


There was advice in one of the various threads (one that I can't find!) that suggested using Windows Task Manager as a starting point.

It suggested adding Memory Usage & PID to the Processes display. It also showed how to slow down the refresh rate so that you could make a note of the 'offending' svchost.


I did. It has spotlighted two processes as being the main culprits, PID 1876 & PID 1964.


That's excellent news - or it would be if I knew how to trace the process using the PID!


I've found this article:


I don't recall it being mentioned as a solution in any of the thread that I saw so I'm reluctant to use it.


Is it safe for me to do what this says, including using the WinDbg debugger? Does 'debugger' mean there's a problem in the code rather than a virus? Has anyone tried it?