Hello, On one of my computers there is an ongoing treat of an attack by svchost. I know that svchost is supposed to be an integrated part of the Windows OS, and I know that if it's not inside System32 folder it's illegitimate. The problem is that the svchost is indeed located in the System32 folder and no virus scanners can find a problem with it. The other computer doesn't have Norton, but I took out the HDD and put it in my computer that does have norton and did a drive scan on it. Norton didn't come up with any results pertaining to svchost.
Nearly every 5-15 minutes the firewall on that computer blocks an attack and it gives a URL from the attack location and it gives the application that the attack comes from. The URL changes, but the application that's sneaking in the attack is always located at C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe The last attack I received was from bestdriverstar.net.
Seeing how even norton didn't find the problem how could I go about stopping svchost from allowing outside attackers into my computer?