Symantec Download Manager

How do I remove the Activex control - Symantec Download Manager?  Clicking on “Remove” in Downloaded Programs or Delete in IE Tools does not work - it just comes back again.  Is it part of Yahoo or part of Nortn?

That doesnot work either.Part of the problem seems to be that the Symantec Download manager is pointed to by  My Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT

\CLSID\6A344D34-5231-452A-8A57-D064AC9B786e  -  that is,  it is pretty deep in the system.  Ieven tried t remove it on  a safe Boot - using IT;  or REMOVEing it fromc:\windows  or even from a Command Window, with nothing running.  It won’t go away - gives me a SHARE VIOLATION

How do I remove the Activex control - Symantec Download Manager?  Clicking on “Remove” in Downloaded Programs or Delete in IE Tools does not work - it just comes back again.  Is it part of Yahoo or part of Nortn?