Symantec Service Framework Stopped Working and was Closed, a different perspective

The thread at
was closed by the moderator with the advice that customer support should be contacted if the above error continues to be experienced and that a fresh thread should be opened, hence this posting.


As far as I could tell, this rather long thread seemed to identify several possible causes for the error but nowhere did I see mention of my own situation. I only get the error autofilling competion entry forms on one particular web site with IdentitySafe and then not on every occasion. Meanwhile, I seem able to use autofill at other web sites with no problems whatsoever. I should prhaps also mention that I experienced the error on both NIS2008 and NIS2009 (v16.2.0.7 and before) on my 32bit Vista notebook.


I have previously been in touch with Symantec Support, via both e-mails and chat sessions, but was eventually advised that the technician concerned was not trained to deal with my problem. At no time was I informed that this was a known problem and that Symantec were trying to fix it, despite the ongoing existence of the above thread from October last year to the past few days.


Any comments?