System Idle Process 90+

The System Idle Process is running at 95+ and bogging down my internet . . . Windows 7 . . . can someone advise if this is a N360 issue or - if not - can Norton clean it up. 

This is normal as System Idle Process is to be running at 95% or even more. Even it may go to 100% if your system is totally idle and not doing anything or you are not doing anything. That means the your system is running OK.

You may have some other problem browsing internet. May be your Internet connection speed is slow.

Please let us know what exact error you are getting and give more details for us here in the forum to help you further to sort your problem.



It's normal for System Process to run @ high CPU cycles, when for example Trusted Installer is installing in the background some updates, same for makecab.exe and other idle Windows activities.

Usually it takes a few minutes but sometimes, when, for example lpksetup is running after a fresh installation, it could take an hour or more.

Let the System idle, for a while, so it finishes these background tasks. (You can monitor the HDD activity by looking at the LED).

Hope this helps,



This may be "Old school" (and a bit over simplified), but when System Idle Process is high - all is good with the system. 


System Idle = the percent of CPU that is not in use by the system - but rather the amount remaining after all system useage - thus the higher the % the better!



Hi Yank,


As this user mentionned: , bogging down my internet,I suspect that some idle tasks were running.

It's easy to see in taskmgr, when the System process is using much CPU.

By the way, your comments are absolutely correct.

