System restore wont work Windows 8

Hi everybody.


I am an OAP and very new to all of this, so please be understanding as I try and explain my problem, thank you.

I recently bought a new HP laptop to replace my old machine. It has Windows 8 installed as well as the trial version of Norton internet security. Since then I have bought the full version of Norton 2013 on CD and updated my laptop.

Although I am still trying to get my head around the Windows 8 operating system things have gone well, that is until recently when I tried to install some of my old applications. Since that I have had some problems. No problem I hear you say, just use system restore......... Well I did that and got an error message saying that it could not restore and gave an error code "80070490" and saying that I should turn of my AV program and try again. I have no idea how to do that, so just went into settings and turned all the little buttons from green to red thinking that would disable it, but no such luck, I still got the same error. A friend suggested installing Norton and try again, I did that and SUCCESS!!! it worked fine. So my question is do I have to uninstall Norton everything that I have to use system restore? 

As a secondary problem I have noticed that no restore points have been listed after Windows updates and I have had two this week, All that appears is a blank box when I open system restore, so I have created a couple of my own and they show up fine, but still no Windows updates show up!! When I first got my new laptop I am sure the was a little check box at the bottom of the system restore window saying something like "check for more update points" but even that is missing now!!!

I have never used Norton before and wondering if all these problems are directly related to me installing it since buying my laptop a couple of weeks ago. I hope that you are able to put a very frustrated user out of his misery.


Thank you.

Hi mcb40,


There are plenty of OAPs on this forum (most of us Gurus fall into that category) LOL!


In order to use System, Restore when you have Norton installed, you must turn off Norton Tamper Protection.  You mentioneed Norton Internet Security as the product and thats etting can be found by clicking on Settings on the main page, then the General Tab, Product Security and moving Norton Product Tamper Protection to OFF (Red) > Apply > Select a time and then OK.


Be advised that System Restore can still mess up your Norton product as you will be going back in time witht eh restore and thee will be some definitions and other updates that may be missing.  It is not unusal to have to reinstall Norton after using System Restore.  That is why most of us try to fix things in other ways prior to doing a restore.



I am not a Win 8 user, however here is an article on System Restore in Win 8 for you to have a look at.  It should give you the info you need to get your system restore working as you want it to:


BTW, the box you thought you saw (Show more restore points) was there - but I believe you need more than 8 restore points before it will show in the window for it to appear.


Let us know if you need any more info!

Hi Yank.


Thanks for the very prompt reply. I think that I would rather be an old Guru than an old fart LOL


I dont have Norton installed at the moment, so cant try what you suggest, but will as soon as I get it re-installed. By the way, is there a limit to how many times I can re-install Norton? This will be the third time for me and I only bought the disc two weeks ago.


If what you say is correct then why dont a big corparation like Microsoft build a warning into Windows to turn off your AV before comencing system restore. It certanly would make sence, because most installs of Windows these days come with a trial AV program included. I find this fact unbalevable! Especially as you say that system restore can "mess up" Norton. Microsoft allow a trial AV program to be installed with Windows, even though they are aware it will have conflicts with there operating system. Why dont they just say "dont use a third party security program, use ours"


You did not make any suggestions as to why Windows updates dont show up in my restore point options. I allowed an update last night, but it still does not show up. Is this another conflict that Norton has with Windows? I had a quick look at that link you supplied, but cant see a mention of my problem regarding these updates not showing. Just after I got this laptop I had to allow a very big critical update that took ages to install and when I checked it showed up in system restore, I am also sure the option at the bottom of the restore window to show more restore points was there also, because I remember trying it, but nothing got displayed. Perhaps there is a Windows 8 user out there who can cast some light on the missing update restore points and missing "show more restore point" option.


Anyway, thanks for your help. Oh how nice it would be to be an old Guru and not an old fart......"Sigh"




<<  Oh how nice it would be to be an old Guru and not an old fart......"Sigh" >>


Oh you youngsters .....


Yank made a very important point -- Windows Restore is not a cureall and can often break things instad of fixing them so I'd strongly suggest that if you have a problem with your computer you ask in our Tech Outpost Forum here since that is meant for questions not directly related to the Norton Products.


Post here of course if you think it is related to your Norton Internet Security.


If you can approach it with an open mind and are prepared to learn where it differs then Windows 8 has a number of good points and will be even better when the update to 8.1 is released mid-October (DON'T let anyone persuade you to try the preview of this that is available now because you can't do the real final upgrade when it is released).


Get to know about shortcuts using the WINKEY + another key on the keyboard since they are a great help. Like WINKEY + i (letter i not number 1) lets you see the Power button in order to shut down!


There's a lot of helpful information on the Microsoft webpages for Windows 8 including videos.

mcb40 wrote:

Hi Yank.


Thanks for the very prompt reply. I think that I would rather be an old Guru than an old fart LOL


But not as old as High! LOL


I dont have Norton installed at the moment, so cant try what you suggest, but will as soon as I get it re-installed. By the way, is there a limit to how many times I can re-install Norton? This will be the third time for me and I only bought the disc two weeks ago.


It does not matter how many times you install Norton on the same system.  It hsold stillonly count as one install.  If you have registered you product and set up a Norton Account, you can go to, lg in using your eamil and password and simply click on the Yellow download button to reinstall.  That button will download, install and activate Norton for you.  You will stillhjave to run LiveUpdate (rebooting when requested) until LiveUpdate responds "no updates found".  By using the download button in lieu of the CD, it will download a more recent edition of your Norton product and you willnot have as many updatyes to run to bring it to current.  If for any reason you run into situaton where it says you do not have a license left - let us know and we'll tell you how to get it fixed.



If what you say is correct then why dont a big corparation like Microsoft build a warning into Windows to turn off your AV before comencing system restore. It certanly would make sence, because most installs of Windows these days come with a trial AV program included. I find this fact unbalevable! Especially as you say that system restore can "mess up" Norton. Microsoft allow a trial AV program to be installed with Windows, even though they are aware it will have conflicts with there operating system. Why dont they just say "dont use a third party security program, use ours"


Actually Microsoft would probably like to say that, but IMHO they have already faced enough monopoly accusations.  Actually turning off AV isnot that rare - thre are other programs that suggest you turn off your AVprior to installing them.  The Tamper Protection is pretty standard with all AV's - they all have some sort of protection to keep them protected from outsiders - even Windows System Restore!


You did not make any suggestions as to why Windows updates dont show up in my restore point options. I allowed an update last night, but it still does not show up. Is this another conflict that Norton has with Windows?  I had a quick look at that link you supplied, but cant see a mention of my problem regarding these updates not showing. Just after I got this laptop I had to allow a very big critical update that took ages to install and when I checked it showed up in system restore, I am also sure the option at the bottom of the restore window to show more restore points was there also, because I remember trying it, but nothing got displayed. Perhaps there is a Windows 8 user out there who can cast some light on the missing update restore points and missing "show more restore point" option.


I have done some more research and it appears that Windows 8 not creating a system restore point when it does a Windows Update is a known bug and one that Microsoft  may fix eventually.  I have read where their tech suggest doing a manual restore point prior to running Windows Update.  So it is not a conflict with Norton.  Here is one of the links I have used in my research.  Please alsop ntice thee is another situation linked in that thread also.


Anyway, thanks for your help. Oh how nice it would be to be an old Guru and not an old fart......"Sigh"


You are welcome for the help - just hope all your concerns have been addressed - if not - you know whee to find us.

Hi Yank.


By saying I am old I mean that when I was a youngster we had a crystal radio, such luxury LOL. And the only computers that existed where the size of a small house!! Now they can fit all of that inside a mobile phone. I could not believe that you can buy brand new crystal radios on Amazon for between £10 and £15. I wonder if they do crystal powered laptops LOL


It does not matter how many times you install Norton on the same system.  It hsold stillonly count as one install.  If you have registered you product and set up a Norton Account, you can go to, lg in using your eamil and password and simply click on the Yellow download button to reinstall.  That button will download, install and activate Norton for you.  You will stillhjave to run LiveUpdate (rebooting when requested) until LiveUpdate responds "no updates found".  By using the download button in lieu of the CD, it will download a more recent edition of your Norton product and you willnot have as many updatyes to run to bring it to current.  If for any reason you run into situaton where it says you do not have a license left - let us know and we'll tell you how to get it fixed.


Well that is great news, especially that I can also download it from the Norton website, because I still have 11 months license left and was worried I would lose it. I still have a copy of Norton 2012 with 9 months license left, but it would not install onto my Windows 8 system, so I had to splash out another £25 for the new version, very annoying.

Actually Microsoft would probably like to say that, but IMHO they have already faced enough monopoly accusations.  Actually turning off AV isnot that rare - thre are other programs that suggest you turn off your AVprior to installing them.  The Tamper Protection is pretty standard with all AV's - they all have some sort of protection to keep them protected from outsiders - even Windows System Restore!


But they should at least build something into there operating systems to advice you of the fact. Up until recently I have never had an AV program, I just relied on what Microsoft provided, and I have had no problems in the last five years. With the recent problems I am having I was wondering if I should go back to how I used to operate. Like the saying goes "if it aint broke then dont fix it" Happy days LOL


I have done some more research and it appears that Windows 8 not creating a system restore point when it does a Windows Update is a known bug and one that Microsoft  may fix eventually.  I have read where their tech suggest doing a manual restore point prior to running Windows Update.  So it is not a conflict with Norton.  Here is one of the links I have used in my research.  Please also ntice thee is another situation linked in that thread also.


What you say here is the reason I have used the "problem solved option" because after reading that poor sod ranting away with the same problem as me has made me see that it is indeed a fault with Windows 8 operating system. Bill Gates has become the richest man in the world on the backs of stupid buggers like us who keep on buying what he puts out there. You would think that by now he could produce something that actually works rather than look pretty with all that fancy stuff on the opening screen. And where is the start button??? I have had to install a program that gives me the old windows start button. I think that I will take a few days to digest all the information you have kindly supplied me with, then I may seriously consider wiping my Windows 8 operating system and installing good old Windows 7. There would be two good plus points about that. First it will work and secondly I can use up the remaining 9 months of my Norton 2012 license LOL


Thanks for all your kind help Yank, it is greatly appreciated and I know where to come if I have any future problems.

You are most welcome for the assist and glad you at least know why your system is not acting as expected.

Crystal radio - when I went thru tech school vacumn tubes were just being replaced by transistors and as you said computers where the size of a building.  I also remember putting the pint of milk on the outside kitchen window sill to keep it cold when I first got married to my lovely Englsh wife of  44 years!

mcb40 wrote:


Well that is great news, especially that I can also download it from the Norton website, because I still have 11 months license left and was worried I would lose it. I still have a copy of Norton 2012 with 9 months license left, but it would not install onto my Windows 8 system, so I had to splash out another £25 for the new version, very annoying.

If you have 2 separate subscriptions running at the same time, you might try contacting Norton Support via online chat. Explain the situation with the 2 licenses, and they will probably combine the 2 so you will not lose any time you paid for.


Many here, including myself, have been able to get this done.




Hi Hugh.


Thanks for your input. I now appreciate that windows restore can indeed cause more problems than what you set out to solve with it. In future I may use system refresh when things get bad. At least I know that will work


I stopped playing with my "Winkey" a very long time ago, I found it was the cause of my high blood pressure LOL. Seriously though, I had no idea you could do all that with the keyboard. My only problem is that with my bad memory I would have to have a prompt card on my desk so as to remember all those **bleep** combinations LOL I have already installed a little program that intalls the missing start button. I got so used to that on previous operating systems that I just had to have it back.


Thanks for the link to your "Tech Outpost Forum" I had no idea that was here! That is very handy and I will save a link for it.


I will also spend some more time looking at the Microsoft forums. Yank has already given me a link that answers my system restore problem.


Kind regards





yank wrote:

You are most welcome for the assist and glad you at least know why your system is not acting as expected.

Crystal radio - when I went thru tech school vacumn tubes were just being replaced by transistors and as you said computers where the size of a building.  I also remember putting the pint of milk on the outside kitchen window sill to keep it cold when I first got married to my lovely Englsh wife of  44 years!

Ahhhh, memories. The good old valve radio that you had to wait for it to warm up. I still have a box of them in my shed someplace. You youngsters don't know how lucky you are with all your fancy little gadgets and widgets.


Did you remember to put something over the top of the milk bottle. When I first done that the **bleep** birds pecked through the top and pinched all that lovely full fat cream. I would love to see them unscrew one of today's bottles LOL


Thanks very much Yank


Kind regards



peterweb wrote:

mcb40 wrote:


Well that is great news, especially that I can also download it from the Norton website, because I still have 11 months license left and was worried I would lose it. I still have a copy of Norton 2012 with 9 months license left, but it would not install onto my Windows 8 system, so I had to splash out another £25 for the new version, very annoying.

If you have 2 separate subscriptions running at the same time, you might try contacting Norton Support via online chat. Explain the situation with the 2 licenses, and they will probably combine the 2 so you will not lose any time you paid for.


Many here, including myself, have been able to get this done.




Thanks Peterweb. I had no idea I could do that. I will have to use your link and go check it out.

I appreciate that this link does not really belong here, as it is not an issue with Norton, but with the infomation Yank gave me I have done some digging myself and come up with this very interesting thread. I just thought I would post it here because I origonally thought that the problem was caused by Norton, but now I know that is not the case. I just hope this helps others who are having simaler problems themselves with Windows 8 and who may have been following this topic.


Thanks for all your help Yank







You may be High but I'm not! <g>

Hi youngster ....


I made my own crystal set .....


<< Actually Microsoft would probably like to say that, but IMHO they have already faced enough monopoly accusations.   >>


At one time Microsoft did in fact say to disable your AV program when running Windows Update .... but that was before they had their own brand named security program! I can remember a couple of occasions probably back in Windows 98 days when specific Windows Updates failed to install but did when I repeated with Norton disabled.


The Restore Point bug appears still to be present in the Preview version of 8.1 but let's hope it gets fixed with the public release in mid-October. Although Microsoft has announded that 8.1 has been RTM --Released to Manufacture -- apparently they plan to continue amending it up to (and hopefully after) the public release when it will come on new PCs followed a few days later by it's availability for download by users.


88 and counting ....




 My only problem is that with my bad memory I would have to have a prompt card on my desk so as to remember all those **bleep** combinations LOL


You are not alone .... I have printed the page on the website and have it handy.


WINKEY + F .... Find (or search)


If you are on the Start screen all you have to do to search is to start typing without doing anything but type and it will go to the Search App and start getting results. It's even more user friendly in 8.1


Once you have been to the Desktop from the Start Screen the WINKEY alone will toggle you back and forth between the two if you ever get lost when you are working from the Desktop.



Thanks for the information Hugh, but I wont hold my breath and wait to see if they fix that bug in October. There are some things that I like about 8, but had far less problems with 7. I have my 7 disc sat in front of me just waiting to just be slipped into my disc drive. It would be a shame though, because this it a two week old laptop and I was hoping it would be much better than my old one because it was running Windows 8, but I have since found out that Windows 8 is not all it is cracked up to be.


83 and chasing....




Just noticed your P.S..


I also made my own crystal set with the help from my father, still had it up until a few years ago. It had those great big Bakelite headphones LOL


Now I do like the tip for switching between start screen and desktop, very handy indeed.


Yes, I have also printed those shortcuts out as well, but I have laminated my copy so that I can wipe the porridge from it LOL


We are now getting very off topic, best stop before we get into trouble.

mcb40 wrote:


We are now getting very off topic, best stop before we get into trouble.

Trouble is what we deal with here   :smileyvery-happy: