Hi Yank.
By saying I am old I mean that when I was a youngster we had a crystal radio, such luxury LOL. And the only computers that existed where the size of a small house!! Now they can fit all of that inside a mobile phone. I could not believe that you can buy brand new crystal radios on Amazon for between £10 and £15. I wonder if they do crystal powered laptops LOL
It does not matter how many times you install Norton on the same system. It hsold stillonly count as one install. If you have registered you product and set up a Norton Account, you can go to www.nortonaccount.com, lg in using your eamil and password and simply click on the Yellow download button to reinstall. That button will download, install and activate Norton for you. You will stillhjave to run LiveUpdate (rebooting when requested) until LiveUpdate responds "no updates found". By using the download button in lieu of the CD, it will download a more recent edition of your Norton product and you willnot have as many updatyes to run to bring it to current. If for any reason you run into situaton where it says you do not have a license left - let us know and we'll tell you how to get it fixed.
Well that is great news, especially that I can also download it from the Norton website, because I still have 11 months license left and was worried I would lose it. I still have a copy of Norton 2012 with 9 months license left, but it would not install onto my Windows 8 system, so I had to splash out another £25 for the new version, very annoying.
Actually Microsoft would probably like to say that, but IMHO they have already faced enough monopoly accusations. Actually turning off AV isnot that rare - thre are other programs that suggest you turn off your AVprior to installing them. The Tamper Protection is pretty standard with all AV's - they all have some sort of protection to keep them protected from outsiders - even Windows System Restore!
But they should at least build something into there operating systems to advice you of the fact. Up until recently I have never had an AV program, I just relied on what Microsoft provided, and I have had no problems in the last five years. With the recent problems I am having I was wondering if I should go back to how I used to operate. Like the saying goes "if it aint broke then dont fix it" Happy days LOL
I have done some more research and it appears that Windows 8 not creating a system restore point when it does a Windows Update is a known bug and one that Microsoft may fix eventually. I have read where their tech suggest doing a manual restore point prior to running Windows Update. So it is not a conflict with Norton. Here is one of the links I have used in my research. Please also ntice thee is another situation linked in that thread also.
What you say here is the reason I have used the "problem solved option" because after reading that poor sod ranting away with the same problem as me has made me see that it is indeed a fault with Windows 8 operating system. Bill Gates has become the richest man in the world on the backs of stupid buggers like us who keep on buying what he puts out there. You would think that by now he could produce something that actually works rather than look pretty with all that fancy stuff on the opening screen. And where is the start button??? I have had to install a program that gives me the old windows start button. I think that I will take a few days to digest all the information you have kindly supplied me with, then I may seriously consider wiping my Windows 8 operating system and installing good old Windows 7. There would be two good plus points about that. First it will work and secondly I can use up the remaining 9 months of my Norton 2012 license LOL
Thanks for all your kind help Yank, it is greatly appreciated and I know where to come if I have any future problems.