The new version of NIS has changed the vault folders into tags. In addition, the new version has changed the way logins can be selected from the Norton Toolbar "vault" button.
Previously, clicking the the vault button on the toolbar would allow the user to quickly traverse their folder structure to find a desired login. While the method for setting up folders was not the best, the end result worked well for retrieving logins effeciently.
The new method does not allow quick access to logins from the vault button on the tool bar. While a search on logins is provided, the search does not include tags. To find logins associated with a tag, I now need to open a second window. Unless I am missing a set up option, this new method is not as effecient as the old method.
Is it possible to modify the seach function presented when the the user clicks on the vault button on the toolbar to include tags? I think this would help users who have a large number of logins organized by tags (previously folders) to find their login more quickly.