Take a year off and fix existing bugs

How about fix existing bugs that have been ignored for quite a while:


A few in my world:


1) fix 3048,3 errors.  Fine, I have investigated and understand a live update failed and can probably be ignored, provided it works later.  But do you have to slam a giant box accross my screen telling me of the error?  Besides help hints that tell me to download scanners and how to reinstall the product?


2) I have Best Buy branded version, and support tab usage crashes the product.  Told Norton is working on it.


3) Stop being so pedantic and telling me that I must do a virus scan immediately.  Then I find out that this is just because I haven't done a scan in Norton accepted time.  A suggestion fine, dire warnings, no.  I realize I follow many other users who have questioned this in the past.  I own my computer, not Norton.


4) and while I am at it, why isn't login to community secure (https)?