The colored dots on web links is no longer showing

I’m not sure when this started happening but the colored dots, showing if a link is safe or not, have disappeared from my Chrome searches. Norton Safe Web is turned on and Link Guard is also turned on. Any ideas?

Hello @radioman54

~ are you seeing?

fwiw ~ by my read:
Protect your searches with Norton Safe Search reads like notice for Norton Safe Web users that the Norton Safe Web extension will stop providing the ratings to all search engines except for Norton Safe Search.

And to continue seeing site ratings, Norton Safe Web users will need to install the Norton Safe Search extension.

by my read:
regardless of whether Norton Safe Web users have Norton Safe Search installed now or not

as to how long you’ll see notice…I’m thinking…for some time…as long as you run Norton Safe Web on Chrome.

Maybe, Norton wants users to run Norton Private Browser.
Norton 360 v24 has Browser Protection → Web Shield [here ] doesn’t require an extension.


care to try Bitdefender Traffic Light [here]

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Norton Safe Web is installed but I’ve disabled it. When it’s on, I can’t get to my work sites and it causes issues with other things as well. Like I said, I was seeing the colored dots on Google search lists that indicated if the site was safe. This stopped sometime in the last two weeks.

Care to share work sites you can’t access?
Care to share “other issues”?

Note: Norton Safe Web extension will stop providing the ratings to all search engines except for Norton Safe Search.


care to try Bitdefender Traffic Light [here ]