The new version(24) of Norton is the final nail in the coffin for me!

Issue abstract: Besides the constant scummy badgering to buy bloatware and the new “fight the Norton popups” mini game I get when launching any newly installed Steam game, today I needed to submit an urgent online doctors request through a service in the UK called “Ask My GP” and Norton was kind enough to block the URL and completely prevent me from accessing a very necessary urgent service.

Detailed description: No apparent way to allow a falsely flagged malicious website from the firewall rules and when the firewall is deactivated I am still unable to access the site.

Product & version number: Norton 360 Premium 24.10.9535 (build 24.10.9535.881)

OS details: Windows 11 Home

PS: This is the straw that broke the camels back, I am now looking at what at alternatives for when my Norton subscription expires.


I can get into AskMyGP log-in page OK. Each surgery has a unique URL reference, in my case this can be found on my actual local surgery webpage, it contains a link to their log-in page. Login details saved in Password Manager.

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Well good for you. Unfortunately that does not help me or address any part of my issue in the original thread, but thanks.

I had screen shots in my first post, but after editing a typo they are no longer there.

Here is an attempt to post them again:

attempt failed, no way to provide screen shots :frowning:

Also it appears no interest in my issue from Norton even though I have used their software for 10years+ now.

Hello @FunnyFluffer

Did you try Browser Protection? Exclusion?

Browser Protection : Automatically blocks dangerous downloads and websites, and stops malware from downloading to your PC while browsing. [here]

Learn more about Browser Protection [here]

@FunnyFluffer The reason new users cannot post screenshots here on the new forums is that they have to have achieved at least Basic Trust Level to do so. Nothing is blocking you its just the structure of security on the forums that we cannot access nor change.

This badge is granted when you reach trust level 1. Thanks for sticking around and reading a few topics to learn what our community is about. New user restrictions have been lifted; you’ve been granted all essential community abilities, such as personal messaging, flagging, wiki editing, and the ability to post multiple images and links.


I am tired of getting these emails from Norton!! I have no way of contacting Norton, when not given email or contact#!!


Hello @Edward_Karrat
emails from Norton Community?

Norton support via Social Support | Chat | Phone [here ]