Trying to set up the TiVo to connect through wireless LAN. Have TiVO Series 3 (HD) set; computer running Vista Home Basic; Norton 360 v 2.0; and Linksys WRT300N wireless router. Since Norton owns the firewall control I am trying to verify and modify Port status to allow the TiVO Wireless G to connect to the LAN. Have tried Cat 6 wired connectivity to router with no joy so the problem is not with wireless incompatabilities. I am able to log onto the TiVO service with phone hookup but I want to go wireless.
Am reluctant to dive into the Linksys router software business but will do is if necessary. Can this be done through Norton? Any help greatly appreciated.
Sorry for the delayed response. Are you trying to get the TiVo to connect to your wireless router to connect to the internet, or are you going to be using the TiVo Desktop software and connecting your TiVo to your computer to download the shows and such?
It seems that if you connected the TiVo directly to the router, that the issue might be with your router or with the TiVo.
Norton 360 resides on your computer, and doesn't control any of the router settings. Norton 360 controls only network/firewall settings on the physical computer that it is installed on. Anything outside of that computer, except for connections to the computer that Norton 360 is installed on, are not affected by Norton 360.
You can attempt to connect your TiVo while your computer with Norton 360 is not connected to the network to see if this fixes the issue. However, it most likely will not. I would suggest contacting Linksys and let them know the port numbers you need enabled from the TiVo link above.