3… 2… 1… Happy New Year! As the fireworks fade and the flow of champagne slows to a trickle, the conversation on New Year’s Eve inevitably comes around to what everyone wants to achieve over the next 12 months.
For some, this involves looking back at the year that was and identifying areas where there’s room for improvement. From a tech security point of view, backups were an obvious weak point for many, with research from BackBlaze indicating that just 9 percent of people backed up their most precious data daily in 2017, while more than 1 in 5 never made any backups at all!
Whether you want to lose weight, stop smoking or strengthen your security practices, sticking to a New Year’s resolution all comes down to having a game plan. While we might not know much about sculpted six packs or be able to help you give up your vice of choice, nobody does it better than us when it comes to IT security strategy.
Here are 10 New Year’s tech security resolutions to help you get your computer in the best shape of its life and ready for the threats that lurk in 2018.